The Weird Old Woman

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It was already dark outside when the door opened again, but this time there were a lot more men who came through the door, they were dressed in very fancy uniforms, almost seemed like they were part of the kings knights or something, shaking my head at my stupid thoughts, I turned back and studied the new people, it was weird that I was being held against my will but was still intrigued by the people who held me here. The only woman who came with them was an elderly lady who walked in last, she seemed to be someone very important and obviously higher up in rank than the men who surrounded her. I watched them walk past me to where the first cell was, the old woman stood in front of it and looked at the girl inside for several minutes intensely, making the young woman very uncomfortable and it made her scorm under the old woman's gaze. Then she shook her head no and moved to the cell across from that one and did the same thing there, again she had the same effect on the young woman as the one before, these girls was beyond frightened. Only this time she shook her head yes and two big men who stood just behind her unlocked that cell and removed the girl from inside and moved her over to the other men who waited a few feet away. Escorting the girl out of the door were they came from, I looked back to the older woman, wondering what the fuck was going on, this seemed like some sort of cult thing going on and I didn't like the shiver that ran down my back. When I looked back at the proceedings I saw her nodding her head yes at the next cell and the same thing happened, I wonder what happens to the girls who received a no from this old woman?. At some cell's the woman nodded no and others yes, finally she came to my cell. It felt like an eternity that the old woman looked at me, I looked back at her with a scowl on my face making sure she saw that I wasn't frightened of her or that I would bow down to her, a smile formed on the old woman's face and she nodded yes. When I cursed under my breath the old woman just cackled, while the men around her looked at her in shock, I guess she doesn't laugh all that often, oh well only she will know what she found funny about all this. 

The two men opened my cell door and escorted me out and forward to the door, making us leave the cold and clammy cave of cell's behind. They walked me down a long corridor to a second set of steel doors where two guards were standing on either side, probably to make sure none of us tried to escape. The double doors seemed out of place in this underground passage which made me think of dungeons and dragons, oh if only I knew then how close my thoughts was to the truth. After going  the double doors, we were inside some kind of hall were the other ten women who got the yes nod stood, looking even more scared of what was to come. I was placed next to a small thin and fragile looking girl who was sniffling and shuffling, I guess this is where we will be sorted out before we are sold or were they will decide who gets fed to which cannibal. Another door opened to the right and a group of good looking woman came in and stood right in front of us looking stoic, they were also dressed in uniforms the same color as the men. They came forward and chose from the girls standing next to me and then they left again with them through the second set of doors. In the end I stood alone, when an older woman than the rest came and stood in front of me, looking me over from head to toe, I just frowned at her. This woman was dressed in attire completely different from the others. "Dear please, you are save I promise you that, I know with everything that happened it doesn't seem like it, but truly you are save and will be well taken care of" she had the audacity to tell me when she saw my frown.

I almost forgot about my vow of silence and almost told the woman what to do with herself and her so called promises of being save, seriously did she think I was stupid and naive. Just pressing my lips in a thin line to stop myself from saying anything, I only huffed at her and frowned at the wall behind her. Laughing the woman took me by the arm gently and led me through the door on the right. "You are a fierce one aren't you, but that's good" she smiled at me while we were going who the hell knows where, this place was like a maze. I looked at the woman confused, again she chuckled  "I can see it in your eyes dear, they speak volumes of how you are feeling" she replied at my confusion. We walked in silence for a little bit after that, when we came to yet another set of doors, all along the second passage there were doors on either side off the walls, shivering at what might be going on behind those doors. As if reading my mind the woman talked again, "Those doors lead to the other passages where the other young ladies were taken through" she answered my unspoken question. I shrugged at her pretending to not care about it and we went through the doors where the woman with no name stood waiting for us, well I suppose I would know my fate in all of this soon enough and why we were ripped from our lifes in such a manner, if we were as save as she said we were then they would have handled things differently and we wouldn't be so apprehensive about all of it, besides I have been through a lot in my life and became street smart at a young age, if she thought I was going to trust them blindly then she has another thing coming. I didn't get where I was when I was taken by falling for lies and being stupid, if I was, I would have been dead a long time ago. The woman in front of me gave me a bad vibe and as I said before I wasn't going to ignore my intuition ever again, I will stay quiet and pretend to be meek when it is needed but I will not let them walk all over me and I will give them rope to hang themselves . Eventually every person shows their true colors, not being able to hide the good or the bad that hides inside of them, in this situation it seems that time will be my friend or my enemy, I will just have to wait and see ..

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