Author's Note

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~May 31st, 2021 Update~

*ART CONTEST!*Hello, Wattpadders! As the final installment of the Whispers of Nowhere Trilogy, "The Mythos Trials" will be published (paperback and ebook) on July 2nd, I thought I should do something special to commemorate the end of the series--and what better way than to launch an art contest?So here's the plan:-Create a piece of art inspired by any of the three books in the series: this could be an environmental piece, a specific scene, a bust of one of the characters, anything! As long as it's related to the series, it qualifies. -Send said art to me via my email by June 28th. (Or if it's not a digital art piece, send a picture of it).-Winners will be chosen June 30th: 1st place will receive signed copies of all three books, plus a complementary copy of "The Masks We Wore: The Anthology" and a custom-made phoenix feather necklace. 2nd place will receive signed copies of all three books, signed. And third will receive e-copies of all three books.If you have any questions, send a PM my way. :) In the meantime, good luck and may the best artist win. <3


Hello, everyone, and thanks for clicking on Fall of the Spectrum.

Some of you might be wondering, "What is Fall of the Spectrum"? 

The answer is simple: Fall of the Spectrum is the sequel to Whispers of Nowhere,  my YA Fantasy that debuted on April 7th, 2018, and the second of three novels belonging to the Whispers of Nowhere Trilogy. The third novel, The Mythos Trials, is also available to read on Wattpad.

(Amazon links to Whispers of Nowhere and Fall of the Spectrum are provided in my bio, for anyone who might want to buy them). 

For those who have been following me for some time, you might remember that earlier drafts of all three novels were once available on Wattpad. Due to the stress of publishing my first novel and varying other reasons I won't list here, I decided to pull the stories off the site for a while. 

But with the stress of the debut now far behind me, I wanted to provide the stories for my readers again: whether you're new here or someone who cheered me on and/or provided invaluable feedback early on, I wanted those who don't have the means to buy my novels to still be able to read them.

That said: The versions of Whispers of Nowhere, Fall of the Spectrum, and The Mythos Trials provided here are not necessarily the final, polished versions. Uploading final versions would be time-consuming, not to mention would cause unnecessary confusion for readers in the middle of one story or the other (especially where moderate to large developmental changes are concerned). It is possible this will change in the future, perhaps during a lull in people reading them. But for now, what you see is what you get--I just hope it's satisfying enough, warts and all. 

Without further ado, thank you for clicking on this story. I hope you enjoy! :)

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