Chapter Seven

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It came faster than they had anticipated. Gwen and Forneus were on their way to the council chamber, making their way through the throng of operatives heading in the same direction, when the first explosion hit.

What the—

Gwen had just clambered to her feet when another explosion came on the tails of the first, then another, the network of walkways shuddering violently with each blast. The surprised shouts of the operatives were drowned out when several of the walkways began to break apart, unable to withstand the strain. Large chunks of crystal shifted against one another, the operatives who had been standing on them just barely scrambling to safety before the crystal slabs plummeted into the void below.

There wasn't time for Gwen to wonder whether they were all right. As she turned her gaze toward the upper levels, fearing what should happen if they broke apart with her and Forneus under them, a series of dark, swirling portals began to appear, rending holes throughout the Spectrum. Almost as soon as they appeared, a high, keening wail followed, not unlike the air raid sirens she'd heard while watching documentaries in History class the year before—only the sound was much louder than what the meager television speakers had provided.

"Security breach!"

"How did they get past our barriers?"

"It doesn't matter how," a woman's sharp voice came from next to Gwen. She caught just the barest glimpse of feathery dark hair framing a pale, angular face before the woman turned to address two of the operatives nearest to her. "All that matters is that we send them back to the hellhole they crawled out of. Evest, Nyvera—round up your teams and get to your positions!"

The two operatives in question—a fair-haired male and a muscular, russet-skinned female—gave sounds of confirmation before sprinting off to do as instructed, shoving several operatives out of their way as they did.

There was a split second when the woman's eyes alighted on Gwen, and then she and Forneus were moving in the opposite direction, surging through the crowd of panicked operatives and shouting commanders. The shrieking of harpies could be heard high above, answered by the roaring and growling of other monsters Gwen had become far too familiar with in the past month. All it took was a cursory glance upward to see the dozens of winged beasts pouring out of the portals overhead, while countless others lumbered through the glowing archways scattered throughout the Spectrum's main levels.

"We have to get to the council chamber," Forneus said, pulling Gwen toward the large platform at the heart of the Central Junction. "It's the only place that's safe now. Oh good, they made it. Asclepius!"

Gwen followed his gaze to where Asclepius was, flanked by several Fifth Unit operatives and fighting his way through the melee that had broken out between the Regulations Force and what Gwen assumed were Apophis's more expendable soldiers. Monsters fell left and right; some from the magical efforts of Asclepius and Astral, others from more direct attacks, courtesy of Lyka and her Wolf Corps.

Forneus lent his aid where it was needed, releasing little bursts of electricity and fire whenever one of the operatives seemed in danger of being overrun or knocked from the walkway. With their combined efforts, the Fifth Unit finally made it to the platform, and without a word, formed up around him and Gwen.

She was just about to ask what they were doing when Forneus raised his hand, bright green light shimmering around his fingertips and erupting outward into a defensive barrier. It wasn't long before Asclepius and Astral joined him, helping to expand and fortify the shield so that it encompassed those who could not cast their own.

Under the protection of the energy barrier, Gwen took the opportunity to look around. Battles were occurring as far as she could see: From the network of walkways above to the crumbled wreckage of platforms far below. Streaks of coloured light lanced every which way, magical attacks meeting in midair and exploding in a shower of sparks while others hit their targets, sending whichever monster or operative was unfortunate enough tumbling to their deaths.

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