Chapter Fourteen

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When Gwen awoke the following morning, it was to the disturbing news of what had occurred during Phenex's solo mission: How while he'd been meeting with Hercules, the two had been ambushed. And how, in an effort to escape, Phenex had taken Hercules back to the Spectrum without thinking—and in so doing, had alerted Spectrum surveillance to an 'intruder'.

Now Hercules was being held in a prison cell located somewhere within the bowels of the Underworld, awaiting trial. To make matters worse, no visitors were allowed, meaning Phenex wouldn't even have the benefit of getting the information that he'd gone to meet him for in the first place.

Gwen picked at her breakfast, listening idly while he discussed the matter with Forneus. When there was a lull in their conversation, she asked, "Why can't Apollo or Hermes secure his release? I mean, they know he's innocent, and they're part of the council...shouldn't they be able to at least do that much?"

"It's not that simple," Forneus said, leaning forward in his chair. "Since neither of them is part of the Upper Echelon, they don't hold as much sway as, say, Zeus or Ra. And even if they did, they couldn't make the decision without a majority vote from the rest of the council—and the entire Upper Echelon's consent after the fact."

When she gave him a blank look in return, Forneus explained, "The Third Echelon is in charge of gathering information pertaining to each of the worlds under the council's protection, including yours. More often than not, they are who the Regulations Force commanders report to. In return, they take the commanders' findings to the Second and Upper Echelons. Are you with me so far?" At Gwen's nod, he continued. "Sometimes, the gods from the Third Echelon visit the realms, disguising themselves; much as they did whenever they wished to visit the mortals of your world long ago."

"But not for the same reasons they did back then," Phenex added, draping an arm over the back of his chair. "Whenever they go undercover nowadays, it's for a good cause."

Both her toast and bowl of fruit forgotten, Gwen leaned forward, eager. "So what do they do when they leave the Spectrum?"

"Any number of things," Forneus said. "Their tasks often involve ensuring things are running smoothly in whatever world they happen to be visiting, while also minimizing outside interference—including their own. Outside of the council and Regulations Force, there are many other entities who support our cause. Some act as informants, while others take on the roles of defenders and law enforcers in our stead. At least until the Regulations Force can step in."

"The point is, unless we can find evidence that Hercules has no ties with Iris, Apophis, or anyone else working for or with them, he's pretty much S.O.L." Phenex ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily. "The only upside is that there will be a trial. Maybe I'll be able to dig something up by then."

From the scowl on his face, it was clear Phenex was more than a little agitated by the turn of events.

He must have been close to Hercules, Gwen thought, experiencing a pang of sympathy. The fact that he had been assigned the task of finding proof of Hercules' innocence—only to be the cause of his current imprisonment—was too cruel an irony to ignore.

Still, she didn't bring it up, knowing it wasn't likely to put him in a better mood. Instead, she turned to Forneus. "You were saying something earlier." She fidgeted, casting a nervous glance in Phenex's direction before she went on. "Before Phenex got here. Something about the next artifact?"

"Ah, that's right. I'd nearly forgotten," said Forneus, getting to his feet. "Susanoo's sword, Kusanagi, has been located."

Taking this as her sign to start getting ready, Gwen rose from her chair and began gathering up the clothing and supplies she'd need for the day. "Well, at least there's some good news this morning," she said absently. "I assume we're going to Japan?"

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