Chapter Two

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A/N: This scene is a complete rewrite, dispensing with the journal entries I had Gwen writing in previous drafts. As such, a portion of the scene that follows (and sporadically throughout the rest of the story) will reflect these changes. I hope anyone who read FotS before likes this new content. ^^

Gwen wiped the blood from her cheek with the back of her hand. The air was thick and hot, making each breath come out laboured, shoulders heaving and limbs trembling as she stared at the cobra-like monster in front of her. The creature opened its mouth wide, baring its fangs in a grotesque smile before lunging at her again.

She was ready this time. Ethereal blade in hand, Gwen sidestepped the creature with its nearly humanoid face and hooded folds, the stench of its venomous breath ghosting across one cheek before she lashed out with the blade. A high-pitched snarl rewarded her efforts, dark blood splattering across the hard-packed earth by her feet as she turned around, levelling the blade at the creature again.

Gwen needn't have bothered. A flash of lightning, the striking blue of indigo blossoms, impacted the ground between them, forcing the cobra-beast back with an angry hiss. Another followed, chasing the creature further back, its thick trunk slithering across the ground with a sound not unlike tires over gravel. By the time the lightning had dissipated, the cobra-beast was gone, leaving only deep rivets in the ground as evidence of its having been there in the first place.

Expelling a tremulous breath, Gwen looked around, offering Forneus a grateful nod as he came up beside her. Flecks of dim grey light highlighted his wavy black hair, his navy blue frock coat bringing out the silver of his eyes.

"This isn't over yet," he said, tone grim. "Come. We have to keep moving."

A long, slender blade flashed into being, the cutlass' golden handle materializing around the backs of his knuckles while flickers of golden light strobed between the fingers of his free hand.

Gwen followed along behind him, doing her best not to breathe too deeply. Ash, thick and grey, fell through the air, while sulfurous yellow clouds drifted across the skyline, blotting out the sun. All around her were the sounds of battle—the clash of weapons, the trill of magic being unleashed, the shouts of the operatives that had accompanied Gwen and Forneus on their mission; a false lead regarding one of the artifacts planted not by Reeves or Iris, as they had expected—even hoped, considering how much they yearned for justice after the two had escaped the battle back in London nearly two weeks before—but by one of the renegade factions.

The one, Gwen was certain, the cobra-beast served as leader to. Forneus had told her many times that the renegade factions were as dangerous to her as Apophis and his forces, and that if they came after her, those at the top would undoubtedly take the lead, as was their duty.

"They won't make the same mistakes Apophis did," he'd said. "Should they come for you, the leaders will do so personally. You are much too important a target to leave to those at subordinate level."

Considering the cobra-beast had come for her the moment she and Forneus had set foot here—what should have been a densely-forested region in Switzerland, now reduced to the skeletons of centuries' old larch trees—Gwen was inclined to believe her theory was correct.

Though why she was important at all still remained a mystery to her.

The stinging gash in her cheek brought her back to the present, the acrid of stench of smoke and something animalistic filling her nostrils. Try as she might not to think about it, she couldn't help being reminded of the battle back in London, though Switzerland was a great deal colder. Only the windbreaker and woolen hat spared her from the worst of it, despite it being mid-June. This high up in the Jura Mountains, the seasons meant very little, save for the fact that it wasn't the sub-zero temperatures of winter.

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