Chapter Twenty-Seven, Part Two

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Gwen matched Phenex's strides, not an easy feat even after all of the time she'd spent with him and Forneus. If not for her burning curiosity as to why she was being permitted to attend the trial in the first place, Gwen doubted she would have gotten out of bed as quickly as she had. Mornings were rough at the best of times, and with tensions being high over the impending attack set to occur during the new moon—now only a week away—this one was no different.

When she'd discreetly tried pressing Forneus for information, he had only shrugged. "I'm sorry, Gwen," he'd said, making his way toward the door to allow her the privacy she needed to get ready. "I don't know any more about Phenex's discussion with Hercules than you do. Be patient; I'm sure he'll tell us in due time."

After that, she'd had no choice but to let the subject drop. The trial would begin in the next fifteen minutes, leaving her little time to shower and dress before hurrying out the door.

As they finally reached the council chamber door, Gwen couldn't help thinking that in spite of her apprehension over attending the trial, it was good to be focusing on something besides her own problems for a change. The shock that she would die if they went after the Amethyst without first seeking some means of restoring her own seal had abated, allowing her the clarity of mind to focus on more immediate concerns.

Forneus is right, Gwen reminded herself. As long as we hold off on finding the Amethyst, there's nothing to worry about. All we have to do is find the Moirai and things will work out. I'm sure they will.

Phenex opened the door, holding it so that she and Forneus could enter first. Gwen's eyes met his for a fraction of a second before moving past him into the circular antechamber, the urgency of his gaze unsettling.

There wasn't time to ponder it, however. Gently beckoning her onward, Forneus led the procession up the staircase and into the chamber proper. As she reached the top, Gwen was surprised to see not the strategy table at the far end of the dais, but an assortment of chairs surrounding a podium at its centre. More surprising was the figure shackled to it, a short length of chain securing his wrists together and bolted at the podium's base.

"Is that Hercules?" Gwen asked, keeping her voice low so as not to draw attention to herself. At least a dozen or more operatives had come to the trial, many of them—like Forneus and Phenex—with the intention of testifying on Hercules' behalf.

"It is," Forneus answered, his voice equally subdued. "Come, we must find our seats before the proceedings begin."

It took some jostling among the seats, but finally they found three seats together toward the front, Forneus positioning Gwen so that she sat between him and Phenex. By the time she'd settled into her seat, Gwen could see the council members making their approach, entering through doorways that had suddenly appeared on all three levels of the High Council's tiers.

The Third Echelon members were the first to appear, taking their seats with the least amount of pomp and ceremony. No sooner had the last Third Echelon member taken their seat did the Second Echelon begin filing into theirs, moving fluidly from the adjoining crystal walkways into three separate box-style tiers. In a matter of minutes, all twenty-five council members were present, Zeus standing before his throne of gold with one hand raised for silence.

Up until that point, Gwen hadn't realized just how loud things had been upon entering the chamber until the operatives fell silent, their expressions set into tense masks as they stared up at the Greek All-Father.

"As you are all aware, we are here to bear testimony in regards to Hercules, former lieutenant of the Seventh Unit—and my own son." Zeus paused, blue eyes sweeping slowly from one end of the assembly to the other, making Gwen's skin crawl when they briefly landed on her. When it seemed the tension couldn't grow any thicker, Zeus spoke again, his words echoing across the vast chamber. "Those of you who would speak on Hercules' behalf, rise now and be counted."

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