Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The remainder of the trial passed without a hitch. After much deliberation on the council's part, they ruled Hercules acquitted of all charges, offering him a position of prestige back on the Seventh Unit, the highest honour they could give: Commander.

Hercules accepted his appointment back into the Seventh Unit with a great deal more forgiveness than Gwen would have expected, given the way the council had treated him prior to their verdict; surprising her further when he declined the position. He didn't wish to rob the current commander of his rank, stating that he had served under Commander Pollux in the past, and would gladly do so again. After much whispering between the few Seventh Unit members in attendance, it was decided Hercules would be given the rank of Captain, second only to Pollux's twin brother, Castor.

When it came time to deliver Verin's sentence, Gwen found herself leaning forward, fingers gripping the chair's armrests tightly. Fortunately, the High Council didn't waste time on their usual political double-talk and got right to the point.

While Gwen thought stripping Verin of his powers for the rest of his natural life to be somewhat harsh, the rest of his sentence seemed designed to cushion the blow. With his powers stripped, he would then be sent to live with his family in an undisclosed settlement within Mythos. There he would undergo a three-year probationary period of menial labour under the supervision of the Sixth Unit commander, Gilgamesh. If during those three years Gilgamesh was unable to attend to him due to other matters, his second-in-command, Ika, would take over—and should the entire unit be called away all at once, Verin would be sent to work directly under one of the four governors of Mythos until the unit's return.

There was only one interruption at this point when Phenex rose from his chair, declaring that if Verin was to be stripped of his powers, his identity should also be changed. If any of Mythos' residents—particularly those who had suffered at the hands of Apophis's forces directly—were to catch wind of his past dealings, there was no telling what they might try to do to Verin or his family.

Gwen thought Zeus might argue against this, and apparently Phenex thought so too, for he added, "If the council truly means to give Verin a chance to atone for his past mistakes, then it's only right that you spare him and his family from further persecution. If you refuse, you might as well execute him here and now—because that's exactly what'll happen if you send him to Mythos with his name still intact. The Mythosians will tear him apart."

"Remember your place, firebird," one of the gods on the Upper Echelon tier spoke, a single, piercing blue eye glaring down at Phenex. "Continue your uncouth mannerisms, and you will find yourself—"

A large hand settled on his shoulder, stopping him midsentence. "It's quite all right, Lord Odin. Operative Phenex's attitude notwithstanding, he speaks truly. Though he would do well to remember that this is his final warning." Zeus's eyes flashed when he said this, and Gwen suppressed a shudder. "Further insubordination on your part will result in immediate demotion. Is that understood?"

Gwen glanced sidelong at Phenex, wringing the hem of her shirt with both hands. After a beat of silence, in which Phenex seemed to be struggling to keep his temper in check—Gwen noticing the muscle twitching along his jaw—he finally gave a curt nod.

"Good, see that it doesn't happen again." Zeus turned his gaze on Verin, contemplating him from beneath greying eyebrows. "Very well. We shall grant you a new alias of your choosing in return for your services here today. However, should you breach your probation in any way, shape or form, further punishment will follow."

With that, all in attendance were dismissed. Verin took one of Phenex's hands in both of his the moment he was free, pumping it furiously and thanking him through a haze of tears for all he had done. Hercules came next, clapping Phenex on the back with such force Gwen couldn't help wincing in sympathy when he staggered.

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