Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Things had been going well so far. Disguised as one of Apophis's many foot soldiers—this time taking on the form of a somewhat reptilian demon—Gwen made her way between the rows of buildings and blossoming magnolia trees, guided by the ribbons of energy that comprised her Magic Sight.

She had passed many enemy soldiers along the way, several of which had been identical to the form she'd taken. Most didn't so much as give her a second glance, if they even bothered with a first. Those few who did acknowledge her presence simply nodded, continuing on their way to do whatever it was demonic soldiers were supposed to do.

Vaguely, Gwen wondered how Phenex and Forneus were doing on their side of things. Had they managed to take down any of the enemy soldiers she'd met while tailing her, or would they reserve such actions for those that seemed most likely to raise the alarm?

She doubted the former. If they had had cause to silence any of the soldiers patrolling the temple grounds, she was certain the acute hearing of the form she'd taken would have picked it up. Then again, Regulations Force operatives were taught to infiltrate and take down enemies silently during covert operations. Phenex might have liked starting things off with a literal bang, but even he had the sense to use stealth when necessary—and if he didn't, Gwen was sure Forneus would remind him.

When a group of soldiers came around the corner of the building farthest from the footpath, Gwen almost broke character, her flight instincts kicking in when she spotted the two massive hellhounds they had with them. Forneus had warned her that despite taking on a demon's form and its traits, it was highly unlikely she had acquired its scent as well.

Crap, what do I do? She tried to maintain an air of calm, continuing her slow, steady stride toward the mixed group while keeping a careful eye on the hellhounds. What would happen if they caught the scent of human in a throng of demons? Would they even be able to smell her past the sulfuric tang emitted by most of the other monsters?

If the hellhounds did blow her cover, she knew Forneus and Phenex would be by her side in an instant, ready to take down the soldiers before they could raise the alarm. The problem was, there were too many for them to do so without drawing others to their position.

Gwen was still walking, her talons clicking over the gravel, when her fears were rendered moot by something far worse.

Something large and heavy slammed into her, coming out of nowhere. Gwen tumbled across the ground, the wind knocked from her lungs as she fetched up against the trunk of one of the magnolia trees. Starbursts filled her vision for several seconds, blotting out whatever was drawing near; the sound of something dry slithering across the ground reaching her ears.

Letting out a groan, Gwen rose to her knees, bringing one hand to her head and pulling it away to find blood, sticky and warm, on the tips of her fingers. It took her a few seconds more to realize the fingers she was staring at were her own, and not the scaly claws of the demon form she'd borrowed.

The Glamour had worn off.

"I'll give you this much," Gwen's head snapped up at the unfamiliar voice, an involuntary whimper leaving her throat at what she saw, "you're brave. Unfortunately, bravery alone won't save you."

Is that...Apophis?

"I see from your expression that you've heard of me," Apophis said, grinning wickedly at her from a scaly grey face. "You are right to fear me, child, for I will be your undoing. You, and the rest of your feeble kind."

"Gwen, your armour!" Phenex's voice reached her a split second before he did, a whirlwind of flame erupting directly between her and the scaly-faced god.

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