Chapter One

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Not for the first time, Celik wondered if it would have been wiser to meet with the Ventétas clan under the cover of darkness, instead of under the blazing summer sun of Palm Springs, California.

It hardly mattered that they had agreed to meet in the seclusion of the densely forested region overlooking the city, colourful and sprawling far below. However deeply he and the Whispering Antetatori ventured, the dim chatter of humans travelling to and from the Tramway could still be heard. And if they could be heard, then what was to stop his clan of assassins from likewise being noticed?

Though he supposed that to be highly unlikely. Celik felt his lips quirk into a smile, and avoided the curious frown of his second-in-command, Seren. The rogue kitsune would just have to trust in his judgment, even if he didn't understand the purpose behind the meeting. Even if he didn't trust the Ventétas leader, Tyfónas, due to past differences. Recent past differences.

After their last attempt at an alliance, Celik didn't blame Seren. But the fact remained: things were different now, more desperate, and born from that desperation was a deep need to cooperate if either of their clans had any hope of surviving the coming onslaught.

And no mistake, it was coming. Celik's expression hardened as he scanned the array of foliage pressing in on either side, his orange gaze missing nothing. Leaves of green, gold, and deep purple allowed dappled light between them, the sun's rays piercing through their thin membranes and casting a kaleidoscope of colour along the forest floor. Insects chirped and hummed, birds sang high in the boughs, well beyond Celik's line of sight; seemingly undisturbed by the strange visitors to their home. A gentle breeze teased the few loose strands of his long, dark hair, the rest hidden beneath the broad-brimmed felt hat he wore.

Celik sighed, fingers seeking out the stiff collar of his grey military tunic, tugging it in the hopes that even under the California sky, a bit of the breeze might find its way under the clothing and cool his overheated skin. Wearing the thick uniform had been a poor decision on his part, but there was nothing for it now. Incubi could influence people only so far, and he had a feeling that to divest himself of his clothing would be to borrow more trouble than he could afford. So he suffered, all the while cursing Tyfónas for her lateness.

Naturally, no sooner had the angry mutterings left his lips did a brisk wind suddenly kick up, causing the coloured light of the leaves overhead to dance and shift. Seren stiffened beside him, dark eyes glittering and lips pulling back to show sharp teeth in a defensive sneer.

"Peace," Celik murmured, raising a hand in a placating gesture. Turning to the figure on his right, he said more loudly, "Hello, Tyfónas. I trust your journey was uneventful?"

The wind demon puckered her lips in a frown, ash-blonde eyebrows drawing together as though suspecting him of mockery. "Uneventful enough," she conceded, tossing her long ponytail over one shoulder. "Would you mind terribly much telling your sentries to stand down?" In spite of her cordial tone, her words held a frosted edge. "I would remind you that in order for this meeting to go peaceably, a certain level, must first be established."

Celik inclined his head in a curt nod, the corners of his mouth quirking up at the corners. "Of course, I would be happy to," he said, "as soon as you order your snipers to your side."

A long, tense moment followed this, Celik and Tyfónas staring one another down, neither Incubus nor Ventira budging. Seren fidgeted to Celik's right, tail swishing behind him. From his peripherals, he could see the kitsune's fingers twitching, no doubt eager to seize the blade strapped to the inside of his elbow, hidden beneath the sleeve of his own military tunic.

Celik tapped the fingers of his right hand against his thigh, a subtle warning to Seren to rein in his temper. As Seren didn't move to grab hold of the blade, Celik could only assume he'd gotten the message.

Finally, when the tension felt as though it couldn't get any thicker, Tyfónas relaxed her posture. A ghost of a smirk touched her lips, pale blue eyes glittering dangerously.

"Very well," she said, cocking her head to one side. In the time it took for that one simple gesture, three armour-clad figures appeared behind her, seemingly stepping out of thin air. "I have upheld my end. Now it's your turn."

Celik nodded again, and pressing his first two fingers to his temple, entered into silent communication with his sentries. Soon they too joined him, just as Tyfónas's snipers had. With that out of the way, the two faction leaders got down to business, both aware that their soldiers would be watching the other for any sudden moves.

"I think we can both agree that unification is our only option," Celik started, gesturing for Tyfónas to walk with him. After a moment's hesitation, she obliged, falling into step beside him as they wandered between the trees, never out of sight of their clans. "Apophis's army grows ever larger, and the Regulations Force grows more aggressive in their pursuit of both them and us."

"And what makes you think an alliance will succeed where it has failed before?" Tyfónas countered, canting her head sideways so as to better see his face from her vantage point. "Have matters really grown any more urgent than they were before? Or is it merely your perception that has been skewed?"

Celik stopped, turning to face her with his hands clasped at the small of his back. "I had assumed in agreeing to meet with me that you desired an alliance as well," he said, voice sharp. "If I'm mistaken, then perhaps you should take your leave now and save us both the trouble."

Tyfónas smiled, the expression more dangerous than friendly. "You give up far more readily than anyone I know," she chided, folding her arms across her chest. "I am not...unwilling to forge an alliance with you, Celik. I merely wish to hear what you have to offer, first."

Ah, so that's it, then. This is what it comes down to. Celik clenched his jaw, fingers tightening on the opposite wrists behind his back. Then expelling a breath through his nose, he relaxed. "Okay, then. What is it you want, Tyfónas?"

The smile returned, and Tyfónas batted long, pale eyelashes in a poor attempt at flirtation. "Word in Gehenna is that you hold a monopoly on dark ether shipments."

Celik narrowed his eyes. "And?"

"And I want in on the family business, as it were." Tyfónas's smile grew to grotesque proportions, revealing gleaming blue teeth. "A means to supply my own troops with the best our world has to offer. So what do you say, Incubus? Do we have a deal? Or would you rather take on Apophis and his infantry all by your lonesome?"

Celik heard only the beginnings of Seren's protestations before making his decision, and the other fell silent. When Celik hazarded a glance in his direction, it was to see his fur rippling, black eyes flashing red with barely suppressed rage. Tyfónas's quiet laughter drew his attention back to her, echoing between the trees like the tinkling of wind chimes.

"It is done."


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