Chapter 3 : Blood and Water

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I sat up. My phone was ringing. It was Simon, video calling.
"Hi Si"
"Hey Kat. How's Casper doing?" His brown eyes were full of worry and he was frowning. I swallowed.
"He's.. been better" images of Caspar's haunted eyes seemed to flash before my eyes.
"I'm sure he'll come around. You don't stress"
"I won't" (a lie of course)
"I'll see you at school tomorrow"

Simon is probably one of the sweetest people I know. I have a lot of friends, but he was the only one who I felt was truly loyal. He came to all of my piano recitals and cheered the loudest. He brought me flowers and brownies when I had chicken pox (the flowers only aggravated my allergies,but it's the thought that matters). He taught me how to drive. He has always been there for me. Infact it used to be Simon, Cas and I against the world. But that was before Amelia.

Just as I laid back again, my phone rang once more. I expected it to be one of my parents, calling from their holiday in Bali. Once I was old enough to take care of myself, they went away for one month every year to celebrate their anniversary. I frowned at the phone screen. Why would Caspar's mom be calling when I had just been there?
The hospital was busy. I slammed straight into a nurse carrying sheets. She called me something foul as I sprinted past her towards intensive care. I shoved the doors open. Mr Kendall lay, eyes closed on the bed. A wave of neusea swept through me. Mr Kendall's swollen face twitched as a docter injected something into a vein in his arm. His shirt that was thrown on a chair beside him was drenched in blood. Mrs Kendall sobbed at my side as she narrated what happened.

After I left Caspar's, his dad attempted to get him to eat. But as usual, he refused. He said that he couldn't possibly eat while Amelia was out there, waiting for him to rescue her. Caspar tried leaving the house to go look for her. When  Mr Kendall went to stop him, Caspar retaliated with a blow to his father's head. He struck Mr  Kendall numerous times and Mrs Kendall struggled to pull them apart. She said it was like, in those few moments, Caspar had become a different person.
I leaned against the cold wall to keep myself from falling. My throat became tight making it hard to exhale. He couldn't have done this,he just couldn't.

Caspar's dad was an exceptional man and father. He gave off warmth and comfort wherever he went and it was a pleasure to be in his company. He made himself present during every soccer match, recital and science expo Cas was a part of. I refused to believe that Cas attacked this man, the man that gave him so much and had so much more to offer.  But the proof was lying in front of me, bloody and bruised.
He sat up,winced, and coughed, releasing a mixture of saliva and blood. He raised a trembling hand to wipe off the sweat that was beading on his forehead. His son, his pride and joy was responsible for this.

Oh Cas what's happening to you I thought. Suddenly my vision was blurry.  Mr Kendall, the docter and the room merged together to form a huge shapeless blob before my eyes. It was only when Mrs Kendall embraced me when I realised I was crying.

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