07 - Embarrassed at a party

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Chapter the Seventh

Embarrassed at a party

Amber's POV

I can't believe that today is actually the worst day of my entire life. Of the seventeen years of my uninteresting life, nothing as terrible as this has ever occurred. I mean, I've been bullied to the point I was hospitalized, broke my arm and leg on a bike, witnessed the death of both grandparents and nothing can compare to this situation.

     Eva was truly one of the best things that could have happened to me and now she was gone.

     I couldn't help but blame myself for this. Yesterday morning I should have given her the news on the swap. Then, the episode of what happened this afternoon wouldn't take place. She would still see me as her best friend and we would be here laughing away. I still see her as my friend and I definitely will find a way to fix this.

     For the entire afternoon I haven't done anything productive with my time. Normally I would be studying or something but my mind kept on going elsewhere. I was so ducking restless, you have no idea. Earlier today I went for a cool and relaxing walk in the park. Okay, so it wasn't so cool and relaxed in the blazing heat but you get the point.

     The moment I took a seat on the dead looking bench next to the pond, a pigeon had the bright idea to defecate on my jacket. Oh, and speaking of clothes; that's just a dandy subject. As we all know, I cannot match clothes to save my life. A big hair guy could hold me at banana point and I still wouldn't put a red shirt with black jeans and black and white shoes. But, the day has come where I matched my clothes.

     This just shows how my heart has been shattered after such an irreplaceable loss in my life. Wow, I sound as if Eva died or something... But, that was beyond the point here. I was in pain! My little red haired self cannot live a partially normal life anymore. 

     Before I forgot… something even more mind blowing occurred after I left the park. This grown man, mustache and everything was trying to hit on me. Being as clueless as ever, I was oblivious about what was going on until an old little lady told him off for me. And as if I was a little girl at the age of five all over again, she told me, and I quote, "Don't speak to strangers dreary," unquote.

     Letting out a troubled sigh, I laid my head on my pillow and stared at my purple ceiling. I know that deep down on the very end of your tongue you are about to judge me because my room is painted a lime green color. So, shush. 

     My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the sound of a new message on Jaden's phone which lay limply by the side. I didn't know if it was him or someone else. For some reason, I want interested in scoping through his business as yet. Don't you dare say anything, the yet was necessary because no one knows when curiosity will prevail.

     Deciding what the heck, I slowly inched my hand towards the phone and unlocked it. There was this party invite which was held about ten blocks away from my house. Matthews Annarell was hosting one of his many parties again. This guy was big in our school and popular throughout the neighborhood. I swear, he was even more respected than Jaden. 

     Tapping my finger on my chin, a brilliant idea popped into my mind. Eva likes parties and this one is bigger than huge. Obviously she will be there. This is my chance in showing her that I am worthy of her trust. Okay, I don't know how I'll do that but I will find a way. I am the head nerd at the school after all.

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