05 - The mystery girl, that's me

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Chapter the Fifth

The mystery girl, that’s me

Amber’s POV

Approaching the driveway of my house, I let out a groan. In complete honesty, I didn't want to return to the place of the incident so soon. I haven't recovered from the hit as yet and I for one wasn't prepared to face my father or mother for that matter. It's true that they both have gone off to achieve a day's work but they could have returned home to grab something extra. I just hoped that neither of them forgot or needed anything 'extra'.

     Eva lets out a sigh from the driver's seat and I then realize that we were already parked in my once empty driveway. Turning to face my best friend, she gives me this worried look. "Amber, something is wrong. Willing to share?" She asks, reaching out and holding my hand in hers.

     This was really comforting but there were times where I didn't want to burden Eva with my problems. Shaking my head and flashing a fake smile, I mentally composed a reply. "I'm perfectly fine Eva. I was just wondering about how I'll spend this month out of school. What else could have been the matter?" I lied, hoping that she would buy it. But... as we all know, I suck at lying.

     "Amber, how stupid do I look?" Eva questions.

     "You are blonde..." I trail off, trying to make a blonde joke. Eva stares at me wide eyed, let’s go of my hand and punches me on the shoulder. It hurt more than I expected but then she burst out in a fit of laughter. "That, my friend is besides the point here. I was meaning to ask you this from the school but I was too distracted." 

     "What?" I ask, lifting a brow at her. I've never been in a serious conversation like this with Eva. She rolls her eyes at me and then flashes me an annoyed expression.

     "Really Amber..? Are you really going to play dumb? The fucking bruise on your face! What happened?" She snaps and I immediately look out the window. Using the hand closest to me, she turns my head to face her. "Come on A, I'm your best friend. You can talk to me."

     "My father hit me E. But it's okay... He was going to hit my mom instead but I came just in time," I explain and her face quickly softens.

     "Oh gosh Amber, you should really find help for him. That or I'll have to beat some sense into him myself," Eva suggests, balling up her fists and making a funny face. Seriously, did she really think that composure made her look tough? Think again my little Eva.

     "You do know you look stupid when you do that, right?" I say, snickering a little and shaking my head. She nods quickly, replying to my statement, "Yup, but look on the bright side, you're no longer gloom."

     She was right; this little talk did make me feel more like a duck than a goose or, was it the other way around. No one cares, I'm feeling much better. Oh what would I have done if I didn't have a crazy idiot as a best friend? The only one who would know the answer to this would be the big man up in the sky.

     "I wish I could stay A, but I have some shopping to do and then some other stuff. How about if I come over tomorrow..?"

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