11 - Too soon to be caught

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Chapter the Eleventh

Too soon to be caught

Amber's POV

Have you ever run so fast that you felt as if you were stopping time? So fast that you questioned if your clothes were about to be ripped off by the force of the wind that you were cutting through? So damn fast that you even forgot that you had shoes on your feet?!

Well, I guess I wouldn't know how that feeling would be because right now, I 'thought' that I was running at the speed of lightening but to my ultimate surprise, I was only in a jogging formation.

My legs and lungs were already giving up on me. Being unfit is so unfair... I mean, can't God just spare this one time and give me an extra set of legs or even a boost. For crying out loud, flimsy people such as myself can't be going through these types of physical work.

Hmm... I wonder if I were to lose my virginity one of these good days, would I be this tired?

Too bad for me though, tonight would be my last night on this planet. Jaden is maybe on to me as we speak. It would be so funny of he pulls up next to me and extends a gun out of his window and says something like, "Stop b*tch... Really stop embarrassing yourself, you look like a deformed hen when you run. I repeat, stop and get in the vehicle... Make this easier on yourself."

Then, no lie, I'd die on the spot. I'd save him the trouble and humiliation of having me entering his vehicle like this. I may be dressed somewhat normal but come on, I'm Amber, just having me around is embarrassing.

Luckily for me, none of the above actually occurred and there is a slight chance of me escaping.

Stopping, resting my palms on my knees, my breathing was extremely heavy. If I didn't take a break now, I'd end up fainting on the sidewalk. People would just pass me by because they'd guess that I was a homeless person who stole someone's bag and collapsed since I've been trying to lose the victim around the corner.

Gosh, I really do need to start taking good care of myself. I need to start acting like a growing woman. One who kept up with the fashion world, one who knew what it felt like to get compliments from random persons on the street.

But, that's it, I could never be that person...

Already catching my breath, I stood upright and tried finding the closest restaurant so that I could grab a sit and even something to eat. I was exhausted and famished. Now I knew how it felt to be hiking through the wilderness without a meal. I didn't really know but right now I felt the way my phone feels when the battery is dying out. Never have I been so alert and hungry.

Spotting the exact same restaurant from the night of the party, an edged smile crept to my face. The memories made there were awesome. Kevin and Jaden, the best-friends of the century. Too bad for me though, no matter the memories made, this would be my last time ever entering here.

Stepping inside, I paced for the washroom. The moment I got to the center of the restaurant, coincidentally my eyes locked onto a familiar figure. Not sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me, I squinted and stared for a while. Learning from Usain Bolt himself, the simple shift of this person's neck and the rotating movement of their face had me ducking and fitting myself under a nearby table.

Hold potato chips and whipped cream! Why am I so stupid! How didn't I think of this before entering this place. Amber, stupid, stupid, stupid!

Yes, you guessed right, Jaden Brat was seated three tabled from my current location. Normally he would be based here together with Kevin, but Kevin was nowhere to be seen. Great, that way I only have one person to dodge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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