09 - A taste of his own medicine

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Chapter the Ninth

A taste of his own medicine

Amber's POV

Who would have guessed that I, Amber Michelle would have spent her entire night last night in peaceful harmony with Kevin and Jaden? It was really fascinating to socialize with the two because they seemed so close. There were always rumors around the school that Jaden had this cool best friend but no one has ever seen or heard from this best friend figure. I suppose that I was the first person from my school's population to discover this mystery.

The warden for the horrid detention room, a hot looking guy but pretty chill... Kevin Jones... The right hand of Jaden Brat... The school's bad boy, definitely the major piece of eye candy and the guy who is fumbling around with the strings of my life... The jerk.

They were pretty cool but I was on guard. There was no way in knowing if Jaden actually knew who I was. But gosh, am I a shame to the feminine society or what? Jaden and Kevin both flirted with me and I was like a log. I could remember an exact conversation piece which I ruined without even giving a try at it.

Jaden lets out a long breath and then scoots his chair closer to me. My eyes dart to his direction, quickly searching for a weapon or something. There was no way in hell in me allowing myself to die so young and undeveloped. Goodness, what is Princess Bubblegum going to think when I meet her in the sky...?!

"Hmm so Amber... I wouldn't mind driving a girl like you all around town for the night. There's this cool road side fair going on," His voice was so seductive when he rests his elbow on the table and placed his face in his hand. His eyes were boring into mine and a smirk was plastered on his face.

What on earth was he talking about? I don't want to drive around all night, that's kind of boring. Though I don't do many fun stuff, I can know what makes a great night and what kills one. But if I did think that his idea was obviously an absurd one, why were my palms sweating?

Wiping my sweaty hands on my skirt... I could hear Kevin snicker from the opposite end of the table. My face was flustered and I had no idea as to what words should depart from the airport of my mouth; also known as my tongue.

"I-I... I pee when I don't know what to do for a science project. T-The sound c-calms me down. A-And if a western is playing on my iPod it just fills my head with joy-"

I didn't even finish what I was saying but Jaden and Kevin had already burst out in a fit of laughter. His chair was no longer close to mine but instead he dragged it back to where it was once positioned. Right now, a tomato and I would truly be considered identical twins.

"You're truly something else Amber," Jaden manages to squeeze out as he clutches his stomach and bangs his head lightly on the table, still laughing at my ridiculous outburst. To say that I was embarrassed was putting things incredibly lightly.

"Now that's what you call an unexpected response," Kevin states, lifting his glass and tilts the top towards me. "I-I need to go to the washroom," I say hurriedly, rushing out of my seat. Almost tripping on my own foot, Jaden was quick enough to stand and balance my body.

"I don't think this restaurant has western playing in their washrooms."

And with that, he bursts into another fit of laughter and so did Kevin. I didn't look back and ran straight to the ladies room but accidently entered the men's own instead. Why am I so embarrassing?

Though all of this occurred last night, I still felt a pinch of humiliation in my chest and I decided to just shake it off. Getting off my bed, I grabbed the brush which was laid stationery on my dresser and raked it through my long red hair. Staring at my face in the mirror I saw spot on, the biggest zit ever on my forehead.

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