04 - Away from hell for a month

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Chapter the Forth

Away from hell for a month

Amber’s POV

I didn’t dare to make a move. All this was too much for me to handle, I mean, the senior block literally exploded! What if I had gone inside the school, what if, just what if? Thanks dad, for blessing my face with a horrendous bruise on the cheek! If wasn’t for you, I’d have been made into nerd style barbeque.

     Staring at my beloved school building, I saw the students running out of their classes. The emergency bell kept on ringing and noted for us to get away from the senior block. Soon after, the voice of our principal rang throughout the school. “All senior students please make your way to the auditorium! Stay clear of the areas next to the explosion. I repeat, stay clear of the area!”

     I shook my head and whipped a sweat bead off my forehead. Seriously, I was way too fragile to be experiencing stuff like this. ‘For crying out loud, what’s the worst that could happen?’ I question mentally, and as if on cue, the rain started drizzling.

     The one thing I hated the most was getting my hair wet in public.

     Finally thinking right, I began jogging to the auditorium which was located on the other side of the school next to the juniors. Though I wasn’t a sportive person, the cold droplets from the rain aided in the quickening of my speed and caused me to pass a few students.

      The funny thing was, the school has sheltered walkways but we intelligently decided to run on the grass. If I didn’t mind my step properly, I would be already lying in the dirty puddles of water which was already forming. No matter all this commotion, there were only two questions on my mind. Who the hell would do something so crude? And where the hell could Jaden have gone to? Not that I care anyways.

      Entering the auditorium, I twisted my hair at the entrance, wetting the area around me even more. My outfit wasn’t soaking wet so there was no need to remove any object of clothing. The room was air conditioned, causing me to tremble a little. Hugging myself slightly, I walk up, approaching the area where most of the students were gathered.

     Walking onto the stage, my principal Mr. Bandage, scratches the back of his head and exclaims, “Holy fu*king sh*t! What the hell is going on here?! Oops sorry guys, please excuse my French.”

     Half of the senior population stares at the principal in shock, wondering what his outburst was all about... It’s true that all of this was absurd and confusing but wow, someone needs a special toothbrush. I can’t blame him for his reaction though, because if I was in his situation and my school just blew up, I’d be worst. But minus the profanities though.

      “Okay, everyone, listen up!” He shouts from the stage, not using his microphone. The many students who were about to have panic attacks and whatnot, they straightened up at the sound of his voice. Continuing, he says, “This is just too ridiculous to be true! But, being the responsible principal that I am, I need to get things under control. In the meantime, all seniors would be advised to stay at home for an entire month! Your block needs to be repaired and we will need time to do this. Be glad that our school is way ahead than the others so the one month out won’t even dent our total average.”

     There were many cheers from the crowd of students but I couldn’t help the groan. No school meant staying at home and staying at home meant seeing my parents more often. It was really bad of me to not want to see them but what happened today could definitely repeat itself and I was beyond the point of surety that I didn’t want a reply.

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