Chapter 2 - Letters

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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Black Butler! Please let me know if you enjoy! New chapter every Saturday!


The following day, as Sebastian presented Ciel with the daily mail, he struggled not to roll his eyes when the bluenette quickly reached for Alois's letter.

"Here, Sebastian." Ciel said, absent-mindedly handing Sebastian the outgoing parcels for the day as her eyes read the words her lover had written.

Every day.

Every day for the last five years, one letter came to the Phantomhive estate from Alois Trancy and one letter left for the Trancy estate from Ciel Phantomhive.

Every day was far too often for Sebastian.

And it was far too soon when, the following week, Alois and his butler, Claude, showed up unannounced for one of Alois's tea visits.

As Sebastian served the tea, Ciel and Alois sat an appropriate distance apart and engaged in appropriate, formal conversation.

But, to Sebastian's dismay, Alois chose to stay for dinner.

And after dinner.

It was nearly nine when Ciel told Sebastian to prepare a room for Alois and one for Claude.

Sebastian's jaw nearly dropped.

The blonde had never spent the night in the Phantomhive estate before.......why now?

Why tonight?

Sebastian did as he was told, prepared the rooms, and finished his evening duties.

However, instead of retiring, he stealthily crept down the hall towards Ciel's bedroom.

Sebastian scowled in disgust when he heard the moans and coos of pleasure that echoed from her door.

Growling to himself, Sebastian peered through the keyhole and saw the blonde and bluenette in the throes of passion, their naked bodies bathed in the soft glow of the candlelight, Alois held her in his arms like she was made of glass.

Sebastian's hand threatened to break the doorknob as he watched the blonde suck on Ciel's porcelain skin, maring it with ugly, red blotches.

"Mmm-mmmm, Alois~!" Sebastian heard his young master cry as the blonde's hands cupped her breasts.

Alois purred huskily into her ear, both their breaths coming in gasps, "I'm going to buy your hand from my next's not really for debutantes.......its for us, my's for our engagement, Ciel!"

Ciel's sapphire eyes flew open.

The smile of pure joy she gave Alois broke Sebastian's heart.

How he wished she would smile at him like that.

Alois's slender hand was sliding down her abdomen, dipping lower, lower, until he found something that made Ciel squirm and shout.

"Then take me, Alois! Don't hold back!" Ciel screamed, writhing in his arms as the blonde smirked.

Sebastian had seen enough.

He could not bear to witness any more.

He turned away from the keyhole with a scowl so dark, a scurrying mouse in the hallway hid in fear.

Sebastian had not realized the true depths, the seriousness of Ciel's involvement with the Earl Trancy.

That was it, Ciel's little flirtation had gone on long enough.

Between the Butler and the Boy - A Black Butler RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now