Chapter 11 - Ciel's Baby

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"Bocchan?" Sebastian asked as he entered Ciel's room with Alois on his heels.

"I'm alright, Sebastian." Came the bluenette's reply from the bed.

Alois noticed she was sitting up now on the side of the bed, one had pressed firmly to her side.

Sebastian quickly walked over and knelt down in front of Ciel, looking into her sapphire eyes as he splayed his hands on her swollen belly.

Despite her words, Sebastian saw.....



She could not hide from him.

Alois had a pleasant smile on his face as he sat beside Ciel on the bed and took her free hand in his.

The blonde was trying to remain calm.

Sebastian's eyes widened as Ciel took a deep breath in and held it. Under his gloved hands, he could feel her belly tighten gently, just for a moment, before the pain eased, and Ciel exhaled. "Sebastian, I think you should call the midwife."

Alois's eyes were wide, his hand squeezing Ciel's instead of letting her squeeze his.

"I have already tried, young master." Sebastian began.

Panic crept into Ciel's sapphire eyes as he spoke.

"I'm afraid she won't be back in town for three days."

"Three days?!" Ciel gasped.

Alois's own ocean-blue orbs were as wide as the bluenette's.

"Don't be alarmed. She took the time to instruct Earl Trancy and I on what to do in this situation." Sebastian said quickly, watching the panic rise in her face.

Ciel's mind whirled.

Oh no............

She would never be able to have the child adopted now.

Unless she could wait three days.

"Actually, I think I'm alright." Ciel replied after a moment of silence.

Alois scowled. "Ciel....."

Sebastian grinned.


"Do you believe so, young master?" Sebastian asked, amused.

Ciel looked between Alois and Sebastian.

"I'm just having some cramps, that's all. I'm fine."



Ciel was not just having cramps.

Each pain came closer and stronger than the last.

After five hours of labor, it was apparent to everyone, including the bluenette that Ciel was having a baby.

Sebastian and Alois had both been beside her the entire time, although she refused to acknowledge what was happening until the pain overwhelmed her.

Sebastian watched Ciel grit her teeth as she struggled to stay silent.

Both the butler and the boy had encouraged her to make as much noise as she needed.

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