Chapter 9 - Pain and Decisions

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"If you can just roll onto your side for me, my dear." The midwife asked Ciel gently as she stood beside her bed.

The pregnant bluenette huffed but did as she was told, feeling the woman's gentle hands press here and there over her back and abdomen.

"Where is it hurting?" The midwife asked in a soothing voice.

"In my lower back and right here." Ciel breathed, guiding one of the midwife's hands to the bottom of her round belly.

"Alright, tell me when you feel another cramp starting, yes?" The midwife asked, gently but firmly pressing on the places Ciel had just indicated.

A moment passed.

"Now." Ciel hissed, feeling that same, dull, low ache again.

Outside, the butler and the boy practically had their ears pressed against the door, anxiously anticipating, trying desperately to hear what was going on.

Ciel had started having pains while she had been sitting with Alois in the parlor.

The bluenette insisted that she was fine but the blonde had panicked and went screaming to Sebastian, urging him to call a midwife.

The woman arrived shortly after and had promptly thrown both Alois and Sebastian out of the room while she examined Ciel.

"Alright, my dear, I want you to......."

From their position outside of the room, neither Alois nor Sebastian could hear what the woman was saying to Ciel.

"Do you think the baby is coming?" Alois asked Sebastian.

Usually, the blonde had a haughty sneer to his voice when he spoke to the butler, but now, Sebastian could hear that haughtiness was replaced by anxiety.

"I do not know, Earl Trancy." Sebastian replied.

Alois frowned.

That wasn't the response he had hoped for.

Sebastian was anxious as well, but he would never show it.

His face remained calm and stoic as he waited outside with Alois.

If Ciel was about to deliver, of course Sebastian would prefer to be in the room beside her.

That was where he felt he belonged.......

Both quickly stepped back once the knob turned and the door was opened as the midwife stepped from the room.

"Is the baby coming!?" Alois gasped with wide eyes.

"Yes, the baby is coming soon but not today." The midwife sniffed, finding Alois's horrified expression humorous.

"Is my master alright?" Sebastian asked, just as concerned, but in a much calmer voice.

The midwife nodded. "She's alright, yes, the poor dear is just having some false contractions. Sometimes that happens at this point. She's 37 weeks now, so another seven days and she'll be full term. So, anytime then!"

From the books he had been reading on prenatal care, Sebastian knew that already, but Alois's eyes almost bugged out of his head.

The butler thought for a second while the boy tried to catch his breath.

Between the Butler and the Boy - A Black Butler RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now