Chapter 10 - Getting Ready

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With each passing day, the air in the manor seemed to thicken and tighten with tension and anticipation.

Everyone was waiting on the baby to arrive.

Ciel was absolutely miserable.

The bluenette was sore and swollen.

Those seven days since the midwife's visit came and went.

Then another week.

Then another.

On the date the baby was actually expected to be born, Alois and Sebastian spent the entire day covertly staring at the heavily pregnant bluenette, as if she were a bomb about to explode.

Each still hoped the baby was theirs.

Ciel found their fussing quite annoying but she was far too big and far too tired to do anything about it, so she just scowled at both of them.

Neither the butler nor the boy noticed.

They were too busy paying attention to Ciel's mounded belly.


For the past few weeks, Alois had been sleeping beside Ciel every night, and as the day broke on the fourth morning past the bluenette's due date, Sebastian silently moved Alois's palm off of her bump.

The blonde and Ciel were still asleep.

The butler splayed his gloved hands over Ciel's abdomen.

He waited there for several moments, watching her.


There wasn't a sign of anything happening.

Sebastian had been checking her for contractions every morning and every evening.

With each passing day, Ciel's abdomen grew bigger and Sebastian grew more worried.

The butler scowled and left before the two woke.

Why had the baby not come yet?

Something could be wrong.........

He was going to call the midwife.


Later, Ciel woke, warm and cozy in her bed.

Her sapphire eyes blinked open and Alois's face, soft with love and concern came into focus.

The blonde was waiting patiently for her to open her eyes, his hands rubbing her belly gently. "Feel anything?" He asked with loving eyes.

"Don't you think you'd know if I did?" Ciel groaned, rolling onto her side, away from him.

All of the blonde's rubbing was going to wake the baby up.

It had been cute, at first, when the kicking started months ago.

The child had been very small then.

Now that there was a fully formed foot ramming into Ciel's organs, the kicking was no longer as cute for the mother as it was for observers.

Ciel took Alois's hands and moved them off of her belly before the kicks started.

Alois wasn't bothered, he just started rubbing her back.

"You know........." the blonde whispered, leaning down and kissing Ciel's shoulder as his hand came up to gently cup an overfull breast, letting his thumb graze over a rosy peak. "Making love things along."

Between the Butler and the Boy - A Black Butler RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now