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Your POV
"Dad I'm off to school!" "Have your weapon?" He asked "of course I do I always do!" "Be safe love you" He is a great dad he really is.
"love you too dad!" And at that I ran outside holding my bag.
"it's nice out..." I walked to school and I didn't have much I just went to a free public middle school nothing real special and my best friend Izuku Midoriya He doesn't have a quirk which sucks but he wants to be a hero still and I stand up for him all the time because he believes in the best dream ever and I'm going to be hero like my parents.

      "Y/n!" I look over at Izuku who's waving for me to go over to him. I catch up to him. "yes?" "Guess what! There was a villain out this morning and I got him also there's a new a hero her name is Mt. Lady" he sounded so happy about it he was such a dork and brother to me. "come on schools starting" he nodded and we into class.

    "What careers? Well hell you all gonna be hero's!" The teacher yelled "don't cram me in with these extras!" Bakugo starts again I swear he gets in my nerves but ugh it's annoying almost "oh Aizawa, Midoriya you wanted to enroll into U.A High" the teacher sounded so disrespectful toward us "YES WE DO!" I stood up full of my optimism giving my bright smile!
     Then the whole class laughed. "two quirk less idiots" oh yeah I didn't tell the school I have a quirk just better to stay low but Izuku knows I do.
After class Izuku and I planned to walk around town to see if any hero's pop up like we always to.
I was packing my stuff till I heard Bakugo's quirk " hero book!" Izuku whined "give it back!" He cried then Bakugo threw it out the window "you asshole!" I yelled at him. "oh yeah what did you say?!" He came up to me then I shut down his quirk. "hit me with your quirk I dare you!" I was ready to embarrass him and he tried but didn't work duh my fathers amazing quirk "wah?!" Izuku was snicking behind me "what's so funny DEKU!" I used air and pushed him back "what the hell?!" He glared at me "you bitch you have a quirk" I crossed my arms and glared at him. "dumbass..." I said under my breath. "come Izuku" I grabbed his wrist and my bag and walked passed Bakugo.

     Bakugo and I never had a good past we never got along and I could care less.

   "Get back I'm not done!" He grabbed my shoulder and I let go of Izuku and grab Bakugos arm and flip him over my back. him back. "if you wanna be hero then knock that pride of yours down! A hero doesn't bully others he helps those who need them! A villain picks on the helpless! Try me because I'm not helpless and I'm done being helpless!" I yelled at him and his anger I know I blew up so Izuku and I kept walking away.

    "Thanks Y/n..." Izuku said he's so sweet what a dork. "it's okay don't sweat it" he nods. We pass by the fish pond and he looks at it "my hero book is fish food..." he said kinda down "come on don't listen to those losers let's go patrol!" I cheered him up he nods and we walked away.

    "Do you think I'll be hero like All Might?" He asked me and we stopped under a bridge "of course I do and I'll support you all the way through!" I put my hand on his shoulder and smile at him "we will be hero's! I know we will." He nods and cheers up that's better. "I'll get going I have to hit the library Izuku!" I waved while racing off. "see ya Y/n!" He yelled back.

    I walked into the alleyway and I heard Bakugo and his gang great... "that bitch! She held out on me this whole time!" Ugh what a crybaby. "so annoying!"
I said that aloud? Didn't I? and caught damnit... "what did you say?!" He grabbed my shirt collar and glared at me. "you think your stronger then me?!" I was so fed up with this, then I saw the green slug like monster hover over us and his gang. "perfect..." shit I used the Air and push Bakugo and his gang away "GET A PRO HERO HUR-" I was caught with this thing and I struggled to move "let go!!!" And he moved passed everyone and went into the mall "LET GO!!" I cried and tried to move I kept struggling. "you make a perfect meat suit" he said creepily I used my fire to burn him but instead I put the mall on fire.
    "your quirk will make us a great duo!" He laughed I kept trying to move the best I could "damnit LET GO!" I screamed soon everything became fuzzy damnit...I over did my limit I'm too weak now shit!
"Y/n!!!!" I looked at Izuku running this way and he threw his bag at the thing then to me trying to get me free. "get away!" I yelled at him "no I have to help you! I won't lose you!" He cried then the monster strikes him "IZUKU!" I cried but the dust cleared and there stood the man the symbol of peace... "All Might!" Izuku yelled "fear not I'm here!" I felt better after that All Might grabbed me arm and yelled Detroit smash and saved my life "Shota would kill me if something happened to you on my watch" he laughed and I coughed up that goo shit ew just gross. "thanks..." All Might places me down and Izuku hugged me "your safe thank god!" He cried what a cry baby man I have one hell of friend brother.

      I walked inside my house and was immediately engulfed in a hug "thank god your safe you made me worry so damn much! Damnit Y/n Aizawa I said be safe!" He cried I hugged him back "I'm safe dad thanks to All Might" "oh my god Y/n be careful!" "What happened?!" He asked and told me.

   "well a kid named Bakugo was gonna be endanger if I didn't do anything" he sighs "be careful and I gotta thank All Might later."
    I nodded and head to my room to lay down on my bed.
That happened and that's was how my best friend became the successor of All Might.

      My dad dropped me off for the recommended exam entrance and I walked up to the school called U.A and I was filled with happiness damn it's nice.
I walked into the the big room and telling us recommended student what we're doing and I sat next to a half white half red head "alright boy and girl pair up now the girl on your right is partner and the boy on your left is also your partner because they will be your partner for the exam" I looked to my left to meet a grey eye and Turquoise eye make with half white on his right side and red on his left with a burn mark... "I'm Todoroki Shoto..." he greeted himself and offer his hand to me I took his hand "I'm Aizawa Y/n" I smiled at him but he didn't give much of a reaction. "alright your paired up let's get started"
First trial was help each other get to finishing line. "Ready....Set...Go!" The gun shot released us. I felt someone grab my hand and pull me forward. "What's your quirk?" "Erase quirks and element control!" "You?" Still running.

    "Ice and Fire!" As he said that our ground was ice now. "Use that water since it's an element." He told me and threw me forward.

    Feeling the air be light. I skate across the ice and made it water the way there. "Block their entry." He said. I lift my hands and spread them apart. Making this water wall.

   "Go Todoroki!" He simply touch it to be ice. "Great let's move!" Again grasping my hand and running forward to finishing line.

    "Aizawa you did good" someone told me. "I'm glad to have a good partner we make a good team" Todoroki told me. "me too Todoroki"
     from there we hit it off like I mean we text sometimes and call maybe hangout. We got along greatly.

   "Letter came in!" My dad called me and went to the living room "here kiddo" he gave it to me "Y/n you passed the exam welcome to U.A high!" I tear up "I did it!" I jump into a hug with my dad and cried. Best day today!

"Smile for me" Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now