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We're training for your ultimate power but I think I find a few so I just need to learn how to control it but I decided to change my Costume so I went to ask my father about it but instead we both walked to support place where it was made in the first place.
"So why come with me?" I asked my dad "I want you to use something plus it may help" I nodded at him and we walked into room then this crazy girl ran up to "COSTUME WORK?!" She screamed in joy "stop it" my father said coldly and she buzzed off phew Izuku was talking about her heheh...
"Mr. Aizawa we have the surprise ready?" I was so confused of what they meant "now upgrade" then when they pulled it out I was so happy!

"I asked some friends and your friends what would suit with your quirks and it how it keep you safe" My father did all this for me?! "Thank you dad!" I gave him a hug "no problem sweetheart" he hugged me back

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"I asked some friends and your friends what would suit with your quirks and it how it keep you safe" My father did all this for me?! "Thank you dad!" I gave him a hug "no problem sweetheart" he hugged me back.
Afterwards I decided I wait till the competition I would wear it but when the day came I was nervous.
"Everyone ready?" My dad asked us "I'm not going to pass!" Mineta cried "don't say that say I'm going to pass" my dad encouraged. "We're gonna do this!" I yelled in joy "Yeah we are!" "PLUS ULTRA!!" We all yelled but some random guy yelled too "don't do that" some other told him then he bowed his head in the ground "are you okay...?" I asked him and he blushed for some reason and it made me kinda comfortable "yes ma'am thank you!!" and he did it again "come on" and he walked away waving my goodbye I just gave a shy awkward smile.
"eraser!" Oh no... "oh no.." my dad mumbled then this lady outbursts her quirk damn sometimes she's cool but she's also annoying "hahah so funny marry me!" She is in love with my father "Eraser junior!" She gave me tight hug "can't....breath.." I choked out "put her down!" My dad raised his voice a little bit a lot just a little "sorry" and she put me down.
"If your here that means" she nods then some students came out and this male who looked so cheerful "hi!" He tired to grabbed my hands but I didn't trust I pulled away "please don't..." I shyly said his eyes told a different story and I guess Bakugo caught that too "good luck!" The lady left us "go get changed" dad told us I was about to run off my dad stopped me "yes..?" I looked at him "use this in your fight.." he took off his scarf  "but why...? You never take this off?" I was so confused "because when I retire you will be using this and I tell your the material to make more" I nodded and he put it on me "now go win for me!" I nodded and ran off this is my chance to prove I can be hero!
"Whoa you changed your costume!" Izuku caught it "your wearing Mr. Aizawa's scarf?" I nodded "because he wanted me to and I will win with it" I turned my hand into a fist "Okay everyone will we begin in a few moments so please listen.." I looked at him and I can tell he didn't want to be here.
I got the what we needed to we need to hit people and their small targets with 4 balls were given so I placed my 1st target on my front shoulder then the 2nd one on my thigh and last but not least the 3rd I'm on my forearm 3 places where it's hard to touch me.
"Stay together everyone!" Izuku told us so why not he wasn't wrong "I'm out!" Bakugo left "my quirk isn't capable for big groups!" He wasn't wrong so they left I catch Shoto later it's fine.
"GO!" I was running with Izuku and everyone else "we have to stick together they know our quirks because of the games" Izuku told us and he was right so damn that unfair.
"GET THEM!!" We stopped and saw millions on balls flying at us so I used air and launched in the air "FIREWALL!" I lifted a large ass fire wall and the balls burned through hahah I landed back in the ground and gave a pissed off look heh they don't stand a chance.
"Give me those!" Then he through them in the ground shit we won't be able to dodge "Let me handle this!" Jiro said and she used her quirk and broke his attack and he seem so shocked "I got this!" Then this guy shit!
The ground started shaking damnit I used and air and launched myself in the air away from it "SHES GETTING AWAY!" I heard one of them yell god you act like bad guys Jesus!
I swiftly landed I checked my surroundings then I stayed with the shadows the best I could.
"You look for a a fight you get one" I heard that I peeked and saw Shoto I knew it and he held his own well but shit!
I ran in front of him "FIREWALL!" I lifted my hands up but it went through but how it's my strongest defense Shoto tackled me out of that "Who's this Chick!!" The male glared at me but glared at him "CHICK!" I was mad "shouldn't have done that" Shoto mocked "babe come on if this place is the real deal I have a place but first" hit the whole place in firs "use your water" I nodded and did a heavy mist rain to create smoke then he lit a sign in fire "come on" he grabbed me hand and we ran off.
"Here!" He creates his ice to up to the gas tank! So smart.
"It's good come on!" Then we ran and climbed this tube metal thing "Go!" Then Shoto and I used our fire to light the gas can.
We walked down to them man that explosion was control "my apologies but my girlfriend and I can't afford to fail" then we tagged them and we won! "Yay!" I hugged him and he hugged back.
We walked to room and saw many people just waiting.
"Huh..." "are friends aren't here..." where's Izuku I was worried almost then that weird guy gave like the death glare towards Shoto and gave me a happy smile but I just gave a shy smile that was it and I later down in Shoto's lap "I'm tired" I told him "take a nap I'll wake you when our friends come by" I nodded and rested.
"Babe wake up..." I opened my eyes a little and looked at Shoto "I'm up" I sat up and looked at Izuku "HEY YOU MADE IT!" I hugged him and he hugged back "of course I did and our whole class passed as well so it's a bonus" I broke from the hug and we were talking but Shoto walked to that weird guy his quirk is called whirlwind while I have a strong air move with the name whirlwind how odd....
They didn't seem to get along very well so I walked them "eyes like your father" I got into the middle of it "is something wrong?" I crossed my arms and he looked at me with that blush again "no no I was leaving also your outfit fits you and also the strong air attack what was it called?" I glared at him "whirlwind I call it whirlwind" then his blush got brighter what's up with him? "Something wrong?" The long ass hair guy called out "no sir!" Then he walked I turned to Shoto and he has light blush "Shoto something wrong..?" He eyes are wide "come here!" He hugged me then her kissed me on the lips oh geez the jealous type are we...
"Come on we have to rescue people next" I nodded and we left along.
"We begin now!" I got ready and looked around "let's move" our trusted class rep told us and we sprinted to any direction to go.
"HELP!!! Please help!!" I heard it "what's the hold up Izuku, Y/n?" I looked at them "someone is calling" we all ran and saw a little kid with minor injuries "help my grandpa is hurt you have to help him!" He cried "man this looks bad" Izuku said then guy got upset and told us their scared and upset we have to easy with them and he wasn't wrong "Right! I have him go on ahead" "it's gonna be okay" he picked up the actor and ran off.
"HELP!!" I stopped "I have this one go on ahead!" I yelled and ran after the source "My baby help my baby!" I saw a woman under rubble holding a baby damn can I even do this "don't worry ma'am just hold on" I smiled at her and ran over and looked at the structure scarf! I took of my scarf and made the structure hold better. "Air be steady and hold for me" and I laid my hands on the ground "Okay come here Ma'am" I help her but she handed her baby instead then I look at her baby and it was bleeding damn! I took the baby and held them in the scarf thank god this thing is so useful "come on ma'am" she got up and I help them out and I let the structure go and it all collapsed damn glad I was quick "Ma'am are you alright anything broken?" She shook her head then I got them both to aid station "give me the child" I handed the nurse the baby "she will be okay thank you" she handed the baby to the mother and I took them both to the right and I saw Izuku.
Then we all heard a clash "tell me you wanna be hero's can you defend and save!" I wide eye him gang orca damn...

"Smile for me" Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now