Intren Ship

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I walked into my classroom with my dad "take your seat I'll be right back" he groaned and left me in the classroom with Ilda and Todoroki. As soon as they saw me they ran up to "are you okay?!" Tenya asked me with worried in his eyes "I'm sorry about what happened and oh my god your arm?!" I looked at him while he looks shocked about me arm then it hit me "I'm sorry about your brother...I here for you too" he smiled and hugged me "thank you" "thank you..." we thanked each other then he went to sit at his desk then Shoto came up to me " I'm so sorry that happened..." he whispered and hugged me tightly "I'm okay...I'll be okay thank you" I hugged him back "I'm here and I'll keep you safe" I smiled at his words "thank you Shoto" I sat next to Shoto today and we passed notes to each other.
"Intern ships people look at the board for your name." I heard my dad and I looked up and I saw my name I had 300 intern jaw dropped "whoa" I mumbled "I think my dad wanted you in his agency" Shoto told me and I turned my head and looked at him "I'll go if you go..." I told him "I'm glad you said that because I'm going and I like to have a little help..." I smiled at him "alright I'll join" he smiled at me and we planned to leave today.
"Dad! their gonna be here soon..." I growled as he was lecturing me to behave and blah blah "get packed but remember what I said!" He yelled as I ran  first thing he get packed. I got into my room and packed my clothes and other things and my necklace that my mother wore... "there here!" I heard Dad yell "coming!" I yelled back I grabbed my F/c duffle bag and pushed my h/c hair behind my ear.
I walked to the front door where I met Shoto and His dad Mr. Todoroki "hello Miss Aizawa I'm Enji Todoroki #2 hero named Endeavor" he introduced himself I bowed "I'm Y/n Aizawa..." I looked at up at him then back At Dad "she's in your hands keep her safe for My sake" Mr. Todoroki nodded "I will keep her safe and my Shoto will to" he claimed.
After all that we left I waved goodbye to Dad and I got into backseat next to Shoto "welcome to the internship for about a week" I was welcomed and I looked at Shoto and gave me a soft smile.

After for minutes we made it to there house and I been here before so it was nice to stay for awhile "Shoto take her to her room to unpack" he nodded and lead me to my room "my room is across the hall and my fathers study is upstairs" I nodded and left me to unpack all my stuff I looked at the time and it was 8:45pm already night then I heard a knock "come in" I spoke and I felt familiar hands on my shoulders "dinner is ready" I jumped a little "Shoto you scared me" I whispered and he just chuckled "yes I know now come on we're leaving for Hosa tomorrow." I nodded and went to dinner table and ate my meal then Shoto lead us back to our rooms where we said goodnight and hugged each other then I went into my room and got under my blankets to relax in slumber "night mom..." then I fell into deep slumber.
I woke to Shoto shaking me awake and he was shirtless....I felt the heat rush to my cheeks "like what you see?" He smirked obviously teasing me "haha...." I shyly laugh and he laughed at me and kissed my cheek "get ready we're leaving soon" I nodded and he left my room as I got into my costume.
I walked out and saw Shoto in his costume ready to go "let's get going." We left the house to the train station we sat there for few hours then got off at Hosa then we walked the streets.
While walking Shoto got a notification "who is it?" He looked and his eyes showed worried "it's Midoriya he just sent me his location nothing else" I got worried to "we gotta go to that location he wouldn't send it for no reason" he nodded "we be right back Dad have something urgent go to this (i forgot the address) when you have time let's go Y/n" Shoto and I ran after the strange location.
"This way!" Shoto told me and made a turn then we saw it "MIDORIYA!!" Shoto lit his left side I was amazed and put ice up and got Izuku, Tenya, and Indian hero here "check on them I'll cover you" I nodded and I checked on Tenya and he's crying "Ilda..." "Go now! Please this is my fight!" He cried but I shook my head "I wouldn't a be a good friend to leave you alone with your problems" "AHH!" I looked at Shoto and he got cut then that Stain guy went for the pro hero I ran over to him and covered him "Y/n!" I closed me eyes then I heard Izuku yelled and I looked up and saw him zipping by holy crap he's getting better then Indian guy woke up a little and I told him to relax "AH!" I looked at Izuku down and he was charging and I tagged Shoto "I'm in rest!" I shot fire at Stain so he would touch Izuku "AFLAME HAIR!" My hair turn into fire as it does and I charged at Stain I did my best to dodge him but this form I have it's started to burn I keep going and going but he isn't as fast Dad he never will be!
"Keep your guard up!" I kept blocking as he kept attacking and I can't get a opening "make a opening don't use your quirk!" I dodged his attack and got my opening but he grabbed my leg and knocked me down "ow..." "your getting better but keep going" "again!" I looked at him determined this time I waited for him to charge at me and I grabbed his hand and knocked him down "hah I did it!" Then he kicked me off balance "ugh keep my guard up I know..." I sighed "okay now to deal with blades their plastic so they won't hurt just dodge and try to hurt me" I nodded "Go!" He charged at me but he was going so fast but I know at the end of it I disarm him and won "good job we're doing more tomorrow" I nodded and he start walking away "I will become a great hero like you and Mom!!" He looked at back at me "then prove it" he spoke then he walked off.
End Flashback
I slid under him and kicked him back "try me!" I put off my form and and glared at him "you protected eraser oh he's your dad" I gritted my teeth "shut up!" He charged at me and I got ready "SHOTO!" I did a front flip over Stain and I hope I was high enough "ah..." then while in air I fell completely but luckily I was caught "Ilda!" I smiled and laid me down "I'm sorry I'm back again don't worry" I wonder what Shoto said while I tagged him out. Izuku and Ilda took out Stain and Shoto roasted him I was happy we did it.

joy then Shoto came to me "hop on" he crouch down "I can't mover?" Then Izuku came and helped my on to Shoto's back
"thank you" and I held on to Shoto well he Shoto held on to me I still couldn't move and the Indian guy carried Izuku "thanks" "no thank you for saving me" Izuku and the other pro hero talked "are you okay..?" Shoto sounded very worried "yes I'm okay I'm just tired" I yawned to prove it and Ilda dragged Stain "we did it but my ankle hurts" I whined "the paramedics will help" I closed my eyes to rest a little "you I told you to stay on the train!" I heard the old man say I looked up and see a old man in a hero costume then I see Izuku shaking like crazy "oh my god you caught Stain..." the other pro hero's look shocked at us "yup we did it..." I say tired "rest dear you need it..." I heard Shoto whispered he was so sweet "okay..." "AH ITS THAT THINGS" i looked up and saw blood fall in my cheek "ew.." and it grabbed Izuku "Izuku!" I jump off Shoto but I fell down "ow my ankle then something kicked my cheek "ew" I stood up then I saw Stain tackle that thing and grab Izuku "don't hurt him!" I cried and Shoto just picked me up again he mumbled something else but I couldn't hear but then he looked at us "I will kill a hero who isn't worthy of the name!" He eyed me "I'll kill any hero who just wants fame and money!" He got scary and stared at me then I felt real fear hit I held on to Shoto then he stopped and froze...
Stain was taken away but soon we learned he died which was sad but it happens.
Afterwards we were told not to do it again which I didn't understand at all but we agreed to say we weren't involved so yeah but after the internship was when I got it...
"Young lady you almost died! Don't ever do it again you hear me!" I got a lecture from my dad hah...and had extra training oh geez hahah but he was a good dad.
"You have to pass this test to go to training camp!" We we're all shocked and we're all so excited for training so we all trained together during the summer and we improved really well but the came when we have to take the test against pro hero's....this won't be fun....

"Smile for me" Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now