Smile for me?

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I opened my eyes and looked around huh...I saw a bar then I looked to my left as saw Bakugo and I soon realized I was chained up "your awake finally" I looked at the man responsible for my mother's death "you bastered you killed her!" I yelled at him "YOU KILLED HER IN COLD BLOOD!" I screamed I have so much anger in my blood is boiling "don't do anything or we hurt him" I gritted my teeth "look at the news.
I saw the principal, Mic, and Ectoplasm I was so pissed off and they were apologizing for their actions it's not your fault!
"release the boy and the girl" and did so they released us I smiled then I shut their quirks down "BAKUGO GO!" I yelled and i just kept the defense up with keeping Bakugo safe then that weird blue flame guy grabbed my hair and put a knife to my neck then he stared down Bakugo "you all killed my mom and I will kill you" I said coldly "you won't hurt her you needed us" then Bakugo was so sure he walked toward me the male dig the blade deeper in my neck "ow..." I cried and I saw Bakugo change his expression "let her go!" He yelled "they needed you I wanted to see her fire but then finish the job they never finished" I had hot tears pricking the corners of my eyes do what... "hand me the syringe" he called out "but one thing we need her DNA and put something in her  "what is that" he took the knife away from my neck and stabbed me in the same spot and turned the knife "ah!" I cried then Bakugo grabbed me away from the male  "what did you do to her?!" He yelled "it's a quirk on healing thought if we gave her enough she kill herself" he kicked Bakugo away and I felt the sharp pain in my arm "Ah!" I felt the hot tears going down my face "Fear not I'm here!" I looked at "ALL MIGHT!" I yelled and saw my dad oh thank in front of us but my dad came up to me "are you okay?!" He looked so worried but I nodded and coughed a little blood "no your not come on!" He picked me up then everyone was caught by the wood guy hah then I coughed up grey stuff "how eww.." I choked on the grey stuff and soon I was in a different area "what hell!" I yelled and I looked at Bakugo "Damnit!" I heard my dad.
I saw a strange figure and all the villains were all here "shit we're surrounded..." I looked around.
"We can do this!" He sounded to determined but I kept a smirk on my face and I was ready but I fell down "ow.." I cried then I saw ice mountain like at the games "Shoto..." I whispered then Bakugo grabbed me but something happened his hand slipped "BAKUGO!" I screamed as I fell down and Bakugo looked at me so sad and worried never thought we would actually along "Y/N!!" They all yelled but I kept falling damnit,
I was caught in time luckily I looked up and All Might was there "oh thank god..." I sighed and he put me down but I fell to my knees "can you move?..." I shook my head the thing they put in me was a lot "get some cover..." he told me and turned around "be careful with One For All I know your at your limit..." he must have been shocked but I crawled behind a rock then a lady was struggling to move I looked at at her "help me!"  "damn" I gritted my teeth and stood up "ow" I tried to the lift the rubble but I was to weak but I used the earth to move the rocks and I did it I safely got the lady out "are you okay..?" I asked her she nodded and I had her run the way I think was safe because I couldn't move after that... "shit..." but I saw All Might losing "COME ON ALL MIGHT YOU CAN DO IT GO PLUS ULTRA!!" I yelled my heart out but I kept looking then I felt a pair of arms grab me "huh..?" I looked up and saw my favorite red and white headed boy "Shoto..." I smiled "your lucky they let me by!" He was running out and used his ice to get away faster and slipped behind cover then he brought me close to is chest "it's okay don't worry" he comfort me and I just held on to him.
The Paramedics came up to us and asked to take me to the hospital and Shoto came with me.
I was drove to the hospital and I was tested what was in my body.
I wait for a few hours while Shoto kept me company then uncle shots came in the room then Shoto kissed me goodbye that we see me tomorrow.
"You scared me..." I looked at my father he had such worry in his face "your mother would be proud you save a helpless woman even tho you were hurt that was strong of you" I smiled at him "thank you..." "I'm proud of you Y/n..." he hugged me "I know dad..." "thank you..." he hugged me tighter "Im proud to call you my daughter" I was so happy I cried in the hug "thank you..." then he broke the hug and looked at me "hey guess what?" I gave him my attention "you have chores" he ruffle my hair "get some rest kiddo you be home tomorrow" he left the room and I was alone to think.
I made my hand into a fist "I'll avenge you mom".
"The results are back" I looked at the doctor "whatever that man was and what he put in you it was strong but your have your dad quirk and elementals now you have healing ...very unique young lady we call this EraseElementshealth I looked at him "alright I can agree with that" he nodded "get some rest young lady your being discharged tomorrow."
"Y/n!!" I heard all my friend burst into my room "guys calm down I'm not dying" I told them "I'm so sorry I didn't hold on to you..." Bakugo apologized "I know it's okay..." "Y/n also what did your do do to you..." I looked at Bakugo "he put healing quirk in me..." and they wide eye me "what is it...?" They all asked in unison "heh it's called EraseElementsHealth " I looked at them "I can do what I can your know but now I heal anyone besides myself..." they all wide eye me "whoa..." I heard Izuku I giggled "yes it is" the Shoto looked at me and smiled.
I got discharged and Shoto took me home "Y/n" I looked at Shoto and he gave me a tight embrace "I was so worried!" He cried in my shoulder "if I was fast enough this wouldn't have happened you wouldn't have been in danger!" He sobbed more did you hold this guilt while time I was gone "it's okay Shoto" I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down "I'm so sorry..." he cried but I said it was okay. "I love you..." he told me and he broke the hug and kissed me passionately he put his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth for any secrets then he pulled away panting for air he looked guilty still "smile for me" and he gives me a smile I love so much then I kissed his cheek "see you at school" he waved goodbye then I went into my house.

"Smile for me" Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now