Good Job

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"Come at me shocker!" I teased then I shut his quirk down then charge at him "whirlwind" I yelled and he was out of bounds "AIZAWA HER QUIRK IS TAKE SOMEONES QUIRK AWAY AND CONTROL EARTHS ELEMENTS! SHE WINS!!" I panted but I go against Bakugo next round so now I was worried.
After Izuku and Todoroki fought I was seriously worried because Shoto used his left side but Izuku fell down and lost so Shoto won and I ran down to check on them and Izuku needed surgery "don't worry he will be okay.." I gave a sad smile and walked off but I had to get ready I was almost up.

After a while I was next this fight was for 3rd and I had to try for Izuku sakes "Y/n Aizawa and Katsuki Bakugo please come to Arena" I heard the speakers and Shoto wished me luck and when I got out there I lost all confidence in myself "damn..." I whispered "Go!" And he charged at me but I dodge it and trying to grab and if he does I'm done for I keep dodging him and finally I kicked him back and I shut his quirk down so I just did hand to combat for us but he wasn't bad but I'm faster he came to attack me but dodge him and laid him in the floor but his quirk came back meaning my time was up shit! He charged at me I did what I could "WHIRLWIND!!" I yelled and tornado swept him up but be broke through damnit I dodge his attack and again he charges at me "FIRE WALL!!!" I made a thick fire wall but he broke though that too what the hell! I dodge his attack. I laid my hands on the ground  the floor started to shake. "STOP DODGE YOU BITCH!" He got too close too close. I snap my fingers and made my whole body into complete fire and I grew my fire wings and flew up and flew down at full force at Bakugo "AHH!" "PHOENIX STRIKE!!" I gave the strongest punch I could ever give I looked at Bakugo and he was almost out I could use air to push him out but I went over my limit he charged at me but I was to tired to dodge or block and punched me in the stomach where I was stabbed and I fell back. "Ah!" I winced in pain he then grabbed my shirt collar and pulled up me to look at him "no mercy" I gritted my teeth. "NO MERCY!!" I did one finally move he was just as weak as me "AIR ROAR!!!!" I blew so much air of strong winds at a hurricane and I pushed him out of bounds. I smiled. "HAH I DID IT!" I was so happy but damn I was tired I went over my limit and I looked at myself I'm kinda burnt damn...that ultimate attack left some burn marks "Unbelievable people Y/n AIZAWA WINS!!" I let the biggest smile out and walked off with that smile but first thing I wasn't in sight I fell to my knees damnit! "Y/n?!" And I fell unconscious.

I woke up and saw a bright light damn "went over your limit you did last" recovery girl told me and I already knew "sorry..." She looked at me "be careful that Fire bird move really did a number in you you 2 burn marks in your legs and one on your arm" I nodded and arrays knew.
She released me and I went into the waiting room see Shoto and he didn't hesitate when he saw me to hug me "damnit y/n you made me worry" he worried about me oh how sweet.
"Your gonna have to fight me you know"
I nodded "I'm ready bring it on Shoto Todoroki" I challenged him "your on Y/n Aizawa" he chuckled at me "AIZAWA and TODOROKI TO THE ARENA!" We heard the speakers and we left.

"GO!!!" I heard it and Shoto attacks first as usual but I shut wait no he will expect it but not this "Aflame hair" I spoke softly and my hair lit a fire and I charged at him this move makes my punches and kicks burn and hurt more "AFLAME HAIR HER SPECIAL MOVE THAT MAKES HER KICKS AND PUNCHES MORE EFFICIENT!" The speakers yelled I did my best to try to hit Shoto but he used his ice to block to I shut his quirk down and he hated it I know he relays on his quirk more then himself "damnit y/n!" I smirked at him and I kept my persistent Attacks on but he kept dodging me "ah!" I winced in pain and I stopped aflame hair it's started to burn and Shoto was getting slower he's getting frost bite damnit why must you worry me well my quirk stopped like a minutes ago "SHOTO HEAT UP YOUR GETTING FROST BITE!" But he didn't do anything just kept up the ice attacks I groaned then I noticed ice is part of an element touched his ice and stopped it "SHE STOPPED HIS ATTACK!!" They yelled and Shoto seems so shocked by it but why it's element I can manipulate it to be mine "Forward!" I shot his own ice him then I saw the fire I wanted to see "AHH!" He screamed and charged at me shit! I blocked his attacks but it burned "ah..." I winced in pain as I blocked it but I wasn't going to shut it off not now "Shoto dodge me!" I slid under him and kicked him back "smart" I smirked him then he came charging at me but I slipped on the left over ice shit! Then he pinned me down but what caught me off guard was that Shoto's lips connect with mine and I melted in the kiss I loved it but I pushed him off me and I stood up quick to quick and I almost fell but someone grabbed my waist and did the dip with me are we dancing now? "I love you..." he said those words and kissed me again but more passionate then I felt extremely cold "you froze arm around my body smart asshole" "Y/n can you move?" I know Ms. Midnight was dying of the students loving each other "I can't move..." I admit defeat "TODOROKI WINS FIRST PLACE!" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek "let me go now because I'm at my limit" he smirks and does so "good trick that won't work all the time" "tell that to the red blush you have on" I growled at him "shush!" And I walked away.
"good job Y/n" All Might congratulates me getting in 2nd place and I'm fine with it but Bakugo isn't fine with with 3rd and Todoroki made 1st and I'm glad he did great.
It was great night after too it was a lot of fun! Plus Shoto made that kiss a bit better before I left.

"Smile for me" Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now