"My name is..."

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Unknown's P.O.V.

"M'lady, someone has been spotted on the shoreline just east of the island!" One of my patrol guards says rushing in and then bowing down. Right as he says that my heart drops and my eyes grow wide.

"Go and grab four of the our strongest guards and meet me there." I say while getting up. He nods and rushes off to the the guards headquarters. I turn around and grab my staff and rush to the east side of the island. Once I get there and pass my wall of thorns, I see four guards are surrounding an object laying in the water with their weapons pointed towards it. I look towards my life long friend and sister and ask, "What is it?"

"It looks to be a young boy." She says. I hand her my staff and walk towards the unconscious boy. I nod to the guard on my left and he moves so I can pass. I then start to cautiously walk towards the boy and then kneel in front of him. I feel his forehead, only for it to be hot.

"He has a bad fever." I say with worry in my voice and drag him out of the water. Once he is completely out of the water, I then pick him up and start to run towards the medical room with my friend following close behind. I get him to the medical room and leave him in the hands of the nurses.

"After your done, take him to a room and inform me of his awakening, please." I say getting a nod from the head nurse. I smile and walk out closing the door behind me and grab my staff from my friends' hand.

"Do you think he will bring trouble to the island?" My friend says as we both walk to my office.

"I don't think so. He seems like someone who wouldn't. Plus, I feel like he's special, in some sort of way."

"I felt that way to towards him, too. Maybe, once he wakes up, we will know." She says making me nod in agreement. We eat dinner in my office and then head our separate ways to go to bed. By the time the sun starts to rise, I get up and take my morning stroll around the area. Once I get done watching the sunrise, I head back and am met with a nurse.

"The boy has woken up m'lady." She says then bows.

"Thank you." I say and smile then walk towards the boys' room. I get there and see my friend waiting for me. We nod to each other and walk in. I look at the boy and slowly walk towards him.

"Hi pretty ladies. My name is Aladdin. Um, where am I?" I sit at the end of his bed while my friend takes a seat on a chair on the side of the bed.

"Your're in one of the rooms of my castle."

"Who are you two?"

"My name is Seraphina." I say 

"And my name is Ezmerelda." My friends then adds, "How did you end up in the water?"

"Oh, I was traveling to see my friends, Morgiana and Alibaba. I was traveling back Sindria and I must have gotten tired and fell asleep then fell off." Aladdin says smiling at the two of us. I hesitate for a moment then say, "Once you start to feel better, I guess you can stay here until a boat is made."

"Wait, really. I can stay here until a boat is made?!" He says really exited. I nod and say, "But, I have rules if you are staying here. Rule 1 is you can not leave this island, if you want to go to the shoreline have either me or Ezmerelda. Rule 2 is you must have a guard with you at all times, so Ezmerelda will be your guardian until further notice. And rule 3, please don't run off, notify us before you do, and if you do, feel free to talk to the citizens." 

"Well, I am feeling better and since I will b staying here for a while can we get to know eat other?"

"I guess, but during dinner, I have some things to do right now. If you want, you can get dressed in your freshly cleaned clothes and follow me and get to know my island." I suggest and he nods. Ezmerelda and I walk out of the room

"What do you have to do?" Ezmerelda asks me

"Just the usual, fix nature, talk to the citizens, check the borders." I say, she nods and says, "Well, then I will see you at dinner, Seraphina." She says then walks off. I hear the door open and Aladdin walk to my side. 

"So, what are we doing today?" He asks looking up at me

""Well, first we walk all round the and I fix the trees, feed the wild animals, then we talk to the citizens, and then we walk all around the border and check it." I say while walking off, Aladdin following me.

End of the first chapter, hope you like it!!

Sinbad & Skarrkan Love Story *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now