It's Judar

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Ezmerelda's P.O.V.

By the time it's dark Sharrkan and I head to bed. The whole way there and getting dressed into my nightgown, I had my sister, Seraphina on my mind. I guess Sharrkan noticed this because he walked up and hugged me from behind. 

"What's wrong, hun." I smile at the nickname and put my hands on his.

"I'm scared. Scared about what is going to happen to Seraphina. She is my only family left. I don't know what I am going to do if I lose her." I say as I start to cry. Sharrkan turns me around and grabs my face softly.

"Hey. Nothing is going to happen to her." He says reassuringly. Sharrkan picks me up and takes me to bed and we both fall asleep.

Seraphina's P.O.V.

I finally wake up and when I open my eyes, I see Sinbad looking at me lovingly.

"Morning." Sinbad says with a husky voice.

"Mm. Morning." I say as I yawn and stretch. Sinbad chuckles and gets out of bed. I follow and get dressed, then brush Sinbad's hair and then brush mine. We go and eat breakfast then head to Yamuraiha's office, meeting up with Ja'far on the way. We get in and see a platter of water with water images of the four.

"How are they doing in that dungeon?" Sinbad asks grabbing my hand.

"Going smoothly so far, at one point they divided up into two groups but no they have joined together and are working as one." She says

"Is that right? I must say that I was a little bit worried, but both Alibaba and Hakuryuu are getting along now aren't they." Ja'far says

"I hope that's the case. Can't you get any more details?" Sinbad asks Yamuraiha

"No, unfortunately. However if there is any loss of life that person's water doll will vanish. So until then we can assume all is well" Right as Yamuraiha says that, something makes the water move and the doll's disappear, then Yamuraiha gasps and stands up. Sinbad grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him in a protective manner.

"Hey Yamuraiha." Ja'far says

"Don't tell me that they're." Sinbad says my eyes go wide with fear, making my eyes go wide.

"No, that's not it. I can't hold it any longer!" Yamuraiha says. All of a sudden a light appears in front of us and a large purple crystal cracks and the light explodes. We all run out to the balcony, only to see the top of what I guess Yamuraiha's barrier is breached. All of a sudden I see a man float into view and here Sinbad say,"It's Judar."

"Begin Level 1 emergency alert. " Ja'far says to a guard.

We get down to the entrance where most of the guards are standing, along with the eight generals and Ezmerelda.

"So, what's the matter? Everybody looks so grim." Judar says. Ja'far tries to attack Judar but is blown back. When he is about to attack again, Sinbad stops him.

"What are you doing here, Judal?" Sinbad asks holding my hand.

"Your looking really awful Sinbad, along with the girl who looks to be like your girlfriend, you know that. What's the deal with the thing on your face and her neck?"

"Surely your not here to discuss the way my face looks, and leave her out of this."

"Wow, you are as cold as ever, are you. Hey I want to know Sinbad, what do you think about our little friend?"

Sinbad & Skarrkan Love Story *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now