Chapter 11: Your New King and Queen

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"Evening is a falling, so rest your weary head.
Don't cry little baby, sleep tight in your bed.
The jaquins are a nesting, way up in the trees.
The scent of Springtime flowers, floating on the breeze.
The full moon is a shining, in the sky above.
Hush now, little darling.
Bundled up, with love," I sung to my crying daughter.

"You're alright, Mija. Mami's here," I hushed. She quietened down after the lullaby. Camila had brought so much joy into my world ever since she came along last month.

I had dressed Camila in a white dress with rose petals. Why did I dress her formally today? I was getting married, along with becoming Queen. Same goes for Gabe, except he would become King. I was pretty nervous and I think Camila sensed that, since she was crying.

I let Isa hold her niece since she was already dressed. Sofia came bounding over to see Camila since this was the first time meeting her cousin. You know, now that I think about it, it's kinda weird that I'll be Sofia's aunt, but at the same time, it's pretty cool.

Miranda helped me get dressed. I nearly cried at the mere sight of how I looked. Not to brag or anything but I looked amazing.

"You look beautiful, Elena," Abuela complimented.
"Thank you," I said, once again nearly crying.

"Is she ready?" Abuelo asked coming into the room.
"Yes," Miranda smiled. Miranda walked out with Roland, Amber with her brother James, while Sofia and Isabel were with Camila. Then I walked out with Abuelo.

She looked so beautiful. I smiled when she was handed off to me. The pastor spoke a few paragraphs of his book before letting us say our vows. Elena started first.

"Gabriel. I've known you since the day I was born and I honestly have no idea how you've put up with me for that long, but I thank you for doing so. You've been by my side through anything whether it be good or bad.

"You've protected me, loved me and done so much just for me. I was so excited when we got together because I knew that my dreams were coming true. I cannot wait for what the future has to hold for us and I am happy to be here today, marrying you. I love you more than words can describe," she finished.

I'll be honest with you, I did shed a few tears from that and Elena was also in tears. Guess it's my turn now.

"Lena. I knew that ever since the day you were born, we would be more than just friends. And well, I was right because here we are, waiting to get married to each other.

"I'll be honest, there was a part of my life where I thought we'd never be more than friends but, you being Elena, you proved me wrong and I'm happy for that. I don't really know what else to say except for that I love you and I want to spend every moment I can get with you," I finished, in tears.

Soon enough, we were exchanging rings and saying our I do's and then we got our sealing kiss. I was now Elena's husband and I couldn't be happier. Next thing, becoming King.


"Do you both solemnly swear to uphold and protect Avalor with all your might?" Armando asked.

"We do," Elena and I said in unison. Elena was now in a plain red dress. Bot like her usual ballgown though.

"Then it is my pleasure to let everyone welcome, the new King and Queen of Avalor, Queen Elena Castillo Flores and King Gabriel Núñez!" he finished.

Elena placed my crown on my head while I placed her new tiara on her's and we shared a kiss. Cheers and claps came from everywhere. Was I nervous about being King? Yes, I was. But I knew that there would be a plentiful amount of people to help me with my ruling. Elena being one of them.

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