Chapter 4

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Dan's POV

Phil and I walk into the BBC Radio 1 station, and oh my god. It's so cool! 

We take a lift up to the area we will be hopefully doing radio broadcasts in, and we see what we can do with the place.

"Ooh, we can have the fan's drawings on this TV!" Phil says pointing to the TV that has some rainbowy pattern and has a "1" in a circle in the middle.

"That actually sounds like a pretty good idea, since we are going to be live on video, right?" I ask Phil.

"I'm pretty sure, I mean there are cameras in here," Phil said pointing to several cameras.

"Okay, fan art it is then!" I say as we walk out and make it to the owner.

"Hello, Dan and Phil I'm guessing?" the owner said in a kind tone.

"Yes, we are Dan Howell and Phil Lester, aka danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil," I said formally.

"Okay, perfect! Have a seat here, young lads," he said pointing to the seat across the table from him.

We sat at the table and got interviewed for approximately thirty minutes, Then we waited about another five minutes until we got an answer.

"Well, you guys are in luck," he started off with a smile. "You guys can have your own radio show!" 

Phil and I started jumping around, we were so happy! We finally have our own radio show! And because of this, we don't need to worry about any depressing and boring jobs because this is the most perfect thing EVER!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said excitedly.

"No problem, you guys start in 4 days on Sunday at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, that's when a lot of people like to listen," he said as he walked out of the room. "Oh yeah, also you guys can venture into the studio, get a feel for everything before you go live, and think about what your intro is gonna be and stuff," he suggested as he waved while walking out.

We waved back then went into the lift to get to the studio. We were practically shaking of excitement. Literally.

"So," Phil started as he grabbed a pen and paper he found on the table, " what should we have in our radio show?" 

"Shit, I never thought of that," I said while laughing, and having Phil join in.

"Um, well what do people like to watch?" Phil asked.

"Um, a lot of people like to watch stupid competition. For example, we go against each other in something really stupid or ridiculous, then we honor the winner," I said, actually liking the idea now.

"That doesn't sound bad actually," Phil said as he wrote down what I said, "what should we call it?"

"DAN VS PHIL," I said out of nowhere. 

"That's simple, and good, I like it!" Phil said like some sort of fashion designer.

"Okay, I agree, now we need some sort of intro to it," I said as I thought intensely.

"Um, maybe some sort of deep announcer voice? It seems pretty cool to me," Phil said curiously.

"Yeah, let's go with that," I said. "Now, what's the next thing we will have?" 

"Well, since we really don't do The Super Amazing Project anymore, maybe we can bring back the Internet News?" Phil suggested.

"Yeah, and have some sort of deep announcer voice for that too," I said and Phil wrote it down.

"Oh, I have a perfect idea! You know how we like our fans a LOT?" Phil asked.

"Oh, yeah?" I said giving Phil my full attention.

"Well, maybe we can have our fans give us music videos of them and their favorite songs and we play them on here!" Phil said as he quickly jotted it down.

"Oh my god Phil, that's perfect!" I said as I applauded Phil.

"Hehe, thank you," Phil said proudly.

"Okay, we'll come up with everything else later, but for now just keep these notes and we'll record everything before the radio show," I said as I began to exit, Phil following.

"This is going to be so fun!" Phil said excitedly.

"I know right?!" I said kind of shaking.

"You alright? You're shaking like a chihuahua," Phil said worriedly.

"Just nervous, that's all," I said as we exited the lift and headed home.

"Okay, so should we get some take out? It's almost 5:00 PM," Phil suggested.

"Yeah, let's get Chinese food," I said.

*2 hours later*

Phil and I were sitting in the lounge watching random YouTube videos on the Xbox. I really wouldn't be able to tell you what, because the videos were like completely different every time.

"Okay, I'm really tired, and I need to have a good first night in thie apartment, so good night Dan," Phil said as he waved and entered his room. Perfect, now is my time.

I walked into my room and grabbed a scary mask that was completely pale with blood splatters and a couple of realistic scars. The whole mask itself was realistic, so it would scare the living shit out of Phil, which is what I was going for.

I slowly walked out of my room and put the mask on when I was at Phil's closed door. I opened the door silently and he was laying on his bed asleep. This was great, literally. I walked up to his bed slowly, then when I got right next to him, I shouted really louldly so I could wake Phil up.

"AAAAHHH," Phil screamed like a girl and grabbed his Totoro plushie. He then realized it was me and took the mask off of me. "You idiot!" Phil said as he threw the mask into the hallway and hugged Totoro even more.

"Oh my god, you should've seen the look on your face Phil!" I said as I was laughing on the floor loudly.

"Yeah, yeah," Phil said sarcastically. "I'd like to sleep now." 

"Okay, sorry haha, night!" I said as I gave Phil a 'manly-bro-hug' and closed his door behind me.

"Night!" I heard his muffled voice from his bedroom.

I went into my bed and did what I normally do: grab my phone and go on Tumblr. I made sure it was plugged in so I wouldn't be wasting battery so much.

Endless Tumblr all night, woo woo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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