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Rachel's pov || A week later

It's been a week after my fight Finn, and he is still very mad at me. He doesn't even look at my face, when I open my mouth to say something to him he just say "don't" indicating me to not talk. I still have to sit next to him in classes but is killing me not talk to him. I know before I was complaining cause I wanted be mora than friends with him but now be just friends seems great! It's killing me that he cut me out of his life for something that I don't did! Fuck! I hate not to talk with him.

These days everything in my life is going wrong, as always. My mom is getting worst and I don't have Finn to make me happy when I'm sad, he is the only one who can make me forget about my problems.

I'm here at my last class of the day, Finn is staring the wall thinking about something. I just wanted to him to talk to me one more time!

Class is over and is glee club time. I grab my stuff and left the class as fast I can. I walk in the choir room and sit in the corner, I don't want to talk with anyone today or sing. I just want to go to my bed and cry because of all the things Finn said to me.

Mr.Schue walk in excited and wrote on the white board 'Family' you just have to be kidding me! I can't sing about family, cause I don't have one anymore. My birth mother died, I never knew who is my birth father, my birth family never cared about me, my adoptive father died with cancer and my adoptive mother is with Alzheimer so she doesn't recognize me anymore. Mr.Schue is asking everyone about their family and everyone is saying everything. Everyone have a great family, everyone is healthy, cliche problems. I can't keep hearing everyone saying how amazing their life is.

"Mr.Schue?" I said and he look at me.

"Yes Rachel?" He asked.

"Can I be dismiss?" I asked and he looked confused like everyone else.

"Why?" He asked.

"Talking about family remind me that I have plans with my family today. Can I go?" I said lying every single word.

"Fine." He said and I grab about my stuff and left the choir room as fast I could.

Finn's pov

Rachel walk in the choir room and she is with a sad face, I hate not talk to her but I hate more what she done to me, how could she?

Mr.Schue walk in the class excited and write on the board: Family. I look to Rachel with the corner of my eye and something is bothering her so much, then she raise her hand.


"Yes Rachel?"

"Can I be dismiss?"


"Talking about family remind me that I have plans with my family today. Can I go?"


She grab her stuff and left the choir room without looking back, what is going. I know she were lying, but why? I know we are not talking but I still care about her, all I do is think about her.

Rachel's pov

I go to my car and drive to visit my mom. I walk and nurse Emma smile to me, I already know everyone there cause since my mom was diagnosed she is there, and that was years ago.

"Hey mommy." I said and she looks at me.

"Rachel!" She said and I smile very big.

"Yes mommy, is me Rachel. How was your day?" I asked her.

"The usual as always, and yours?" She asked and I sighed.

"Hard, Finn still doesn't talk to me and glee club wasn't nice either." I said and she looks at me confused.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"It's Rachel, your daughter." I said and my heart broke.

"I'm tired." She said.

"So I will let you rest. Bye mommy." I said and left, I hate when that happens, sometimes things sound fine then she just totally forgot.

I get in home and lay on the couch and cry, that's all I do often, cry. When I'm not crying about my family I am crying about Finn.

I turn the tv on and I'm searching something to watch then the bell ring, who is it? I get of the couch and wiped my tears, when I open the door I see Noah with a bottle of ice cream.

"Hey, what you're doing here?" I asked him.

"I know that you're upset about glee club today, the family thing, I saw your face and I also know that you were lying. So I brought ice cream and we will watch movies." He said and I smile to him.

"Thanks for coming." I said and he walk in and we sit on the couch.

We started to watch a movie, a comedy. We were eating ice cream and popcorn, I love Noah, we are so different but we can get along so well, weird.

"Oh my God!" I said laughing very hard about the movie that ended now.

"This is the funniest shit I've ever watched!" Noah yelled laughing hard.

We watched another movies then Noah went home, I love spending time with him, he is so funny.

I take a shower and is 9pm and lay on my bed. I'm thinking about Finn, why he does think that I was the one who told paparazzi's that he was going to visit his father grave, I would never do something like that to him. I miss having him as a friend! 

Mysterious's Person pov

It's been a week since Finn and Rachel don't talk to each other. Everything is going well, now I just have to have Finn all to myself.

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