Rachel Rose Berry

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Rachel's pov || Next Day, Tuesday

Let me tell a little about me, my name is Rachel Rose Berry and I'm 17. Remember at yesterday at the cafeteria when I said that my life was sucks? Let me explain why, my first day of life was sucks. I born with 6 months, yeah I born premature, my mother's pregnancy was with risk and she died in labor, she died to save me and for that I'm very grateful, her name was Rose, that's why my middle name is Rose. She didn't knew who was my father and her family abandoned her when they discover that she were pregnant, she was only 16 years old, I feel guilty, she had so much to live for and she died because of me. So I was alone, my mom was dead, my 'family' didn't want me and I was a premature at the hospital but an angel appeared in my life, and this angel name is Shelby. She was a nurse at the hospital at the time and she knew my case and she and her husband, Mark, they adopted me, and for them I'm so grateful, they saved my life.

When I was only 12 my dad was diagnosed with cancer, he died last year when I was still 15. See why I said that my life is sucks? My birth mother died in labor and my father died of cancer.

And that's not everything, gets worst. Always can get worst, at least in my life I always have to prepare for the worst. Don't say that I'm crazy about always expect the worst because when you're me, always can get worst.

Shit! I don't have time to explain now how my life can be worse than already is, I'm late for school! But I promise I tell you guys later!!

I take a quick shower, it's 7:55am and class starts at 8:00, I'm screwed. I wear a white jeans and a blue off the shoulder top and my vans, I grab my make up bag. It's already 8:10am and I am still at home. I grab my car keys and drive super fast to school, I get in school it's 8:17am. I run to my locker and grab my books, I check myself very quick at the mirror, I fix my make up, I did it at the car and I fix my hair that was messy too. Shit! 8:23am, I run to my Spanish class and opened the door.

"Sorry Mr.Schue, I'm late." I said trying to get my breathe back.

"I noticed." He said.

"Please don't give me detention." I said and he look at me.

"I'm sorry Rach, but there is nothing I can do about it, detention for you." He said and I look for a sit, the only available is next to Finn, OF COURSE. He was trying to hold his laugh, so I go and sit next to him.

"I was saving the sit for you." He said and I rolled my eyes. "By the way you look that you were hit by a truck."

"Oh well thank you." I said ironically.

"I'm kidding, you look beautiful as always." He said and I giggle. "But seriously, I was saving the sit next to you. These cheerios are scaring me, when I blink one of them appear in front of me, I didn't want to sit next to any of them." He said giggling and I giggle.

I met Finn yesterday, at first I didn't like him. I thought he were just a boy who think he is better than everyone, okay he can be annoying sometimes, but annoying in a funny way. When you talk to him he is very fun so don't bother having him as a friend as bothered before.

"I spend to much time in bed, that's why I take soo long." I said.

"Lazy." He said laughing and I laugh.

"Jerk." I said joking and we laugh.

"How is detention?" He asked me.

"You go to the library after school and stays there for an hour." I said.

"You stay alone there?" He asked me.

"No, Puck is there almost everyday." I said and we laugh.

We keep chatting until the class ends, then we go to our other classes. Until is time for lunch, I walk in the cafeteria and see Kurt sit on a table with Blaine and Puck.

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