Molten Deer
Molten Deer
SpeciesDeerPatternMoltenRelease DateMay 5, 2018The Molten Deer was first released on May 5th of 2017. They are available in various colours.
Molten Deer were released into Id's Pet Specials Shop and cost 2 Red Swirl Stone. They can be bred or purchased from other players.
Breeding a pair of Molten Deer requires one green stone. They have 1 baby per litter. They require 60 days to gestate. The gestation period can be lowered to 20 days by using pregnancy potions. They cannot be used to breed any hybrids at this time.
Encyclopedia Entry
This giant deer appears to be a type of Megaloceros, a prehistoric species of deer that existed on Earth until recent times before going extinct. This creature likely migrated to Peterra many tens of thousands of years ago through a portal, and populated this and other Xanje worlds.
The Molten Deer is a massive cervid species that roams some of the hottest environments of Colothys's mega-continent. This deer feeds on the tough vegetation that manages to survive and sometimes even thrive in the desert heat, and it seems to have evolved some magical abilities that allow it to be more heat resistant than most other creatures.