The Fog Niash was first released on October 11th of 2016 as a Stray. They can come in varying natural shades with colorful markings.
Fog Niash are currently not available in any site shops or quests. They can be bred or purchased from other players.
Breeding a pair of Fog Niash requires 1 green stone. They have 1-2 babies per litter and require 25 days to gestate. The gestation period can be lowered to 7 days by using pregnancy potions. They cannot be used to breed any hybrids at this time.
Encyclopedia Entry
Full grown, Niash are rarely larger than a chipmunk. Their wings are what make them appear larger. Niash can be found living in colonies in caves, or any other earth or rocky place. Their high metabolism keeps them warm even below freezing. Living in colonies helps their body heat warm up their home caves.