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Star Firedrake

The Star Firedrake was first released to Id's Pet Specials Shop for two Red Swirl Stones on May 30th of 2016

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The Star Firedrake was first released to Id's Pet Specials Shop for two Red Swirl Stones on May 30th of 2016. They can come in every colour available.


Star Firedrakes are currently not available in any site shops or quests. They can be bred or purchased from other players.


Breeding a pair of Star Firedrakes requires one green stone. They have 1 baby per litter. They require 90 days to gestate. The gestation period can be lowered to 22 days by using pregnancy potions. They cannot be used to breed any hybrids at this time.

Encyclopedia Entry

This Star Drake is a powerful and fast flyer. It spends most of its time soaring through the air at high altitudes, searching for prey below. It is one of the smaller, faster dragons in the firedrake family and can dive at almost supersonic speed to catch prey below. It can catch fish and other waterbound animals as well as those on land or even in the air. It resides in a large territory with its mate, and together they rear one offspring at a time. When the young dragon is at the right age and strength, the parents bring it to a high cliff overlooking deep water, such as the ocean, and encourage it to spread its wings and catch the updrafts, flying for the first time.  

The Star Drake is native to remote areas of northern Peterra.  It is part of the firedrake family, which includes its close cousin species, the Indulainian spotted firedrake.  Star Drakes reach an adult size of around 20 to 25 feet from nose to tailtip and a wingspan of about 30 to 40 feet. While they are small by dragon standards, they like most firedrakes are large and sturdy enough to carry a human while flying. 

Firedrakes are a family of dragon species known for their fire-breathing abilities and immunity to fire, although they can be defeated through the use of other elements. These medium-small dragons live in caves or alcoves up high on clifftops, where they live and raise their young in safety. Each pair will claim and defend a territory from others of its kind. They spend most of their time soaring through the sky searching for prey, which they catch by diving at it and using their claws, teeth, and/or fire breath.

As adults, firedrakes possess incredible powers, such as their fiery breath, telepathy, and ability to teleport. Their blood is sought after for its magical properties, including the ability to lend other objects or creatures temporary resistance to extreme heat. Their hide retains almost complete immunity to fire after death, and they are thus also hunted for this. 

As per most dragon species and all firedrake species, the female grows larger than the male, and this helps each pair of mates to avoid competing with each other by hunting different types of prey. They raise one baby at a time, and when the offspring reaches nearly adult size it will usually leave at that point to find its own mate and home. Sometimes, especially if new territories are not available, an offspring will remain home to help its parents rear a younger sibling.

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