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Sand Dollar Imp

Sand Dollar Imp

Sand Dollar Imp

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Release DateMay 20, 2016

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Release DateMay 20, 2016

The Sand Dollar Imp was first released on May 20th of 2016. They are available in a wide variety of colors with a colorful flower on their stomachs and waves of color in their hair.


Sand Dollar Imps are currently not available in any site shops or quests, but was reintroduced as part of an Old Pet Bonanza hybrid event on August 14th of 2017. They can be bred or purchased from other players.


Breeding a pair of Sand Dollar Imps requires one green stone. They have 1 baby per litter and require 48 days to gestate. The gestation period can be lowered to 9 days by using pregnancy potions. They can be bred with the Berushian Imp to produce the Beirushu x Sand Dollar Imp hybrids at this time.

Encyclopedia Entry

This imp is known as a Sand Dollar Imp. It is native to the coastal areas of northern Peterra, where it primarily eats fish and shellfish.

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