Chapter 8

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After I stopped the Bodega Bandit I started stopping other crimes around the city to help grasp what was happening. I realized it was getting dark and my dad was probably worrying I stopped to text him. I landed on an apartment complex in Brooklyn.
got caught talking to an old friend be home in while
Okay just be careful

uddenly I heard
"Who are you, did you rob that deli".
Surprised I turned around not knowing my mask was off. The person who said that was The Spider-man.
"Oh it's you you're the Spiderman that I have been hearing about".
He didn't seem like much. His suit red and blue with thin black webbing on it and black around the arms and legs. What he said next surprised.
His voice began sounding familiar like a voice I hadn't heard in years. He began to pull off his mask. I was stunned, it was him really him.
We were both stunned. Peter Parker was standing right in front of me again.
"How you fell... I didn't... catch you in time" said Peter.
"I pushed you to hard and you died in my arms how are you...".
"I'll tell you how, your universe has been combined with ours" said a mysterious man.
"Mr Stark what are you doing here".
"Well I was just stopping by to see how our little experiments are doing".
"What are you talking about".
"Well you two are part of an experiment being conducted by cross dimensional being. Basically this guy named Lord Adrial who wants to combine mine and Peter's world with your world Gwen, we don't know the reason yet".
"Okay Mr. Stark but how do you know this".
"Good question kid well we began learning of Adrial and his plan a few years ago we were ready to move on him but we were too late he already had you two in his hands, anyway he pulled our worlds together which would counteract events that happened like your Uncle's death of course both of yours. Only heroes and villains remember what happened".
Tony Stark was his name he was apparently also called Iron Man. He filled us in on everything like why Adrial chose us as his subjects apparently it was because he likes spiders. Eventually Tony left so me and Peter could talk.
"So were from different worlds that's cool" I said
"Yeah it is, so I died in your world".
"Yeah you wanted to have power like me so you turned yourself into the lizard I ultimately pushed you to hard and caused your death".
"In my world Harry went crazy and tried to kill me and you in a clock tower. You fell and I caught you too late".
"Were we together in your world".
"Yeah we were".
An awkward silence fell over us. When Tony told us we were from different worlds I thought Peter was a different person but hearing him talk he seems like the same goofy kid I fell for but never actually confessed to. Suddenly my spider senses went off as well as Peter's. We both jumped and put our masks on.
"Where do think it's coming from Peter".
"Over there".
Peter pointed an on fire old folks home.
We quickly rushed over. We could people screaming there are still people inside. We made our way in.
"Gwen you take the top two floors I will take the bottom two".
"Got it".
I began checking each floor and taking the elderly officers below. When I reached the top floor a figure knocked me down the stair well. I hit the floor below.
"Gwen are you okay"
"Yeah I'm alright what the heck was that".
At the top of the stairs was a pure black man with huge white eyes and a long tongue.
"Ah our two little subjects have found each other".
"Eddie what the heck is going on".
"Lord Adrial took a liking to you Peter, Gwen and was sorry that each of you suffered so he brought you two together".
This Eddie guy then jumped down to fight Peter. Peter began punching and kicking but was not as strong as Eddie. I climbed up and jumped on to his back and began punching and kicking him. He quickly threw me off. Peter got him in the eye causing him to drop to his knees. Eddie quickly got up and ran out of the burning building.
"Gwen quickly before the building collapses".
With that we got out quickly. We swung through the city and finally stopped on ironically on my apartment complex.
"Peter who was that"
"Eddie Brock he became the host of an alien symbiote and it gave him super powers".
"Well we do need to get to the bottom of this whole Lord Adrial thing".
"Right Mr. Stark said to meet him at the avenger's facility after school on Tomorrow".
"Oh crap it's 10:00 my dad is going to kill me I had better get inside, hey Peter see you at school tomorrow".
"See you tomorrow".
I quickly enter my home carefully sneaking across the living room then the lights came on.
"Who is this friend that you are hanging out with Gwen".
"Alright dad I was hanging out with Peter Parker".
"How is he an old friend, he is your best friend, wait is he your boyfriend".
"No dad Peter is just a friend".
"Are you sure you guys seem pretty close".
"Good night dad".

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