Chapter 11

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Venom is here sir.
Good let him in.
They are together Lord Adrial they are together.
How are they Edward.
They are fine, that Stark has filled them on our plans though.
Well things are going as planned then.
They are sir.
Yes they needed to know what was happening it's only natural, they just don't know the why and I intend on showing them.
How do you plan on doing that.
Eddie do you need a vaction.
I don't know maybe.
Good get out of town for awhe I will handle things here's some money.
Thank you Lord Adrial.
No problem.
Sir what is the plan now
You can shape shift right Markus
Yes sir
Alright I need you take a symbiote we made from bits of Edward and let it bond with Peter
On it sir
Wait a few while don't do it immediately it is not the time.
When sir
I have ways of monitoring them Markus so I will notify you when I want you to do it
Yes sir
Soon Markus we will control this world and be the Gods we wanted.

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