Chapter 18

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Today was the day, Gwen's birthday. I managed to finish her suit last week and I sent it to Mr Stark to have it finished. I got up early to go it from the facility. Luckily Gwen's birthday was during the holiday day break.
"Ah kid it's good to see you not breaking in this time".
"Thank you for helping me Mr Stark".
"No problem kid and remember if you want to do this again then just ask".
I quickly made my way back home. I began texting Gwen luckily I mastered swing and texting.
"Hey Gwen can you meet me at at the park at 4:00".
"Uh sure Pete why".
"You'll see and dress nice"
"Okay, Pete sometimes you amaze me ".
"Happy Birthday by the way".
I was going to take her to Antonio's it is pretty pricey but since I have a job know I don't have to ask for money.
When I got home Aunt May and Uncle Ben were walking out with bags.
"Hey Peter we're headed to Boston again we will be back Monday".
"Okay see you then".
"Be prepared to head to Florida when we get, we are going to meat the other relatives for Christmas".
"Okay you guys have fun".
I sat in home waiting for it to be 4:00. When it was finally 4 I left feeling nervous. Hopefully she was there because when I told her I was meeting my other aunt yesterday I lied, I was making sure the preparation were ready for today. I didn't have to wait for Gwen because she was already there.
"So Pete what are we doing today".
She was beautiful she was wearing a blue purple skirt with a green and blue polo that was sleeveless she was also wearing her signature hair band thing. I was just wearing jeans and a long sleeve short with a white button up with a maroon sweater over it.
"Hey Peter are you there she said teasingly".
"Yeah we are celebrating your birthday at Antonio's".
"Italian, how did you know it was my favorite".
"Well I just had a hunch".
Dinner was great we laughed and had a good time all the way until 7:00. We hung around Central Park for awhile we even took a photo together with camera.
"Hey Gwen I got something I want to show you".
I got up and extended my arms out in a fancy way and said
"Right this way madam".
"Ooh fancy".
"This will require webbing are you sure you are ready".
"Heck yeah I have waited 3 months for this".
We went to my Spider Spot as I call it, pretty good name came up with it myself. Thank God her gift was still here.
"Pete I have seen this ace before".
" No it's not that, I know your suit was damaged during the bank thing and well I figured you needed a new one".
I opened the box to show her the suit. She was overjoyed.

Author NoteAdd a hood to that"Thanks Pete

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Author Note
Add a hood to that
"Thanks Pete... I don't kno... know what to say".
"Tony helped a little but I practically did it myself it has all the bells and whistles of mine".
I showed her everything about it even her new AI Gail. She wanted to take it for a test drive so we swung about for a couple hours until we got tired. We headed back to my place to hang out since May and Ben were out. We listened to music and what not for a while still in our suits but we took our masks off. Gwen laid down on my bed looking out the window I laid next her.
"Thanks for tonight and my new suit Pete this has been the best I've had in awhile".
"Your welcome".
We locked eyes for a few seconds before she leaned over and kissed me. I didn't expect it. It lasted for a few seconds I don't know I was so lost in excitement to remember. Gwen pulled away and said.
"Pete I was wrong before you are the same Peter that I loved before, I was waiting for the right time to tell you".
"Gwen does this mean.."
But she cut me off.
"Yes it does".
She scooted closer to me and fell asleep and I did shortly after.

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