Chapter 17

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"You know what I did last night Gwen"
"What did you do Peter".
Peter seemed over joyed about something, he was cute when he was excited.
"I dressed up as Spiderman at Ned's and took a picture of myself with my hand in the cookie jar, took it to The Daily Bugle and now I have a job as journalist ".
"Nice Pete now I need to get but not with this arm, I'll have to wait".
The more time I spent with Peter the more and more he became the Peter from world but this time he was like me. After school Pete walked me home.
"See you later Gwen".
"See ya".
"So he's not your boyfriend"
"I'm just teasing you sweetheart but hey if he was I think he is perfect for you".
That got me thinking maybe I miss judged him before but I wonder if it's to late. I had to talk to him. After watching a movie with dad for a few hours I needed to take care of a few things.
"Hey dad I'm gonna run to the laundromat to wash some clothes".
"Alright do you need help"
No I got it dad thanks any way".
"Alright see you later".
After I went to the laundromat I knew one place that Peter would be. Luckily the building he was setup on was a motel. Got to the top and I could hear a woman's voice and kissing. Oh no was I to late. All saw when I turned the corner was the back of a man like Peter kissing and they walked away. I was stunned I can't believe I blew.
"Psst hey Gwen up here".
I turned around to see Peter waving at me on higher level. He gave boost up.
"What are you doing up here I thought you spot was down there".
"It was but then the Francisco couple moved in and started living like a sitcom I moved up here they keep me entertained".
"What are you doing here some laundry"
"I was just cleaning my suit so it's ready when I get back at I still have to patch the holes".
"How did you get out blood stains".
"Some blind old lady at the laundromat told me to use lemon then some guy walked in with a red body suit his face was kind of scared".
"Hey Peter there is something I wanted to talk about".
"What is it Gwen".
Before I could say anything his police radio went off.
"All units we got a fire on third st".
"Hey Gwen can we talk about this tomorrow I got to..."
"Yeah tomorrow go save those people but hey could you drop me off by my place".
"Yeah sure".
So he took me home. I think I will wait awhile to ask him.
3 months later
Finally I can get this stupid sling off my arm. I always cherish the days I get miss school.
"Alright Gwen your arm has made a full recovery your free to do anything including your super activites, hey but if you or Peter sustain anymore injuries you can count on me take care of them".
"Thank you Doctor Markus".
By the time I got of the it was after school and Peter had not messaged me all day. The only reason this worries me is because he has been distant these past few weeks. So I texted him.
"Hey Pete I just got out of the doctors and I am cast free".
"That's great Gwen".
"Are free to hang tonight".
"I wish but my aunt. wants me to be at a party with my other aunt".
"Okay well I will see you tomorrow".
"See you Gwen".
Well that was kind of a bummer but I went home that evening and hung out with my dad.

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