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Tony POV
Breaking news there has been an attack on Fisk Towers. Witnesses and Fisk himself have said that it was by Spiderman and Spiderwoman. In other news Spiderman also got in a tussle with what appears to be a new Goblin.
"Damn it Peter and Gwen what have you done." An immediate call from Fury came up on screen.
"Tony what the hell has your underoos got himself into".
"I don't know but I'm on it". I ended the call.
I dialed up Pepper.
"Hey Pepper can you get me a press conference so I can undo Peter and Gwen's screw...Alright thank you hun".
I set my phone down and began rubbing my forehead and eyes.
"First it was Hulk going crazy in Florida and now it's this, could my life get any better".
"Hello there Anthony" said a deep growly voice. I looked up and saw a massive figure in a navy blue suit with a grey skull on it he also had a Jason Vorhees style mask and a long black cape. I realized who it was

"We have alot to talk about" said Lord Adrial

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"We have alot to talk about" said Lord Adrial

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