Chapter 14

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I was on my way to school when I walked by Peter's. I figured I should make sure is ready for school so I went up to his apartment. I knocked on the door to Peter's apartment and was surprised by his aunt.
"Oh hello" she said.
"Hi there I'm Gwen Stacey I am one of Peter's friends, I was just making sure he was ready for school".
"Oh yes he is sweetheart in fact he has already left".
"Alright thank you".
As I walked away I could hear Aunt May talking through the door.
"Would look a that Ben Peter has got himself a girlfriend".
"Now May we can't to sure".
When I got to school I expected Peter to be there but I didn't him. I saw Ned walking down the hall and I decided to ask him.
"Hey Ned have you seen Peter".
"No thats what I was about to ask you".
"Well I stopped by his place to see if he was ready but his aunt told me he had already left". Just then I turned to see Peter walking down the hallway but he looked different. He was dress in a Dark t-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black jacket. His hair was also down in his face. He seemed to act different too even the way he carries himself is different.
"Peter what happened to you".
"Oh hey Gwen I just decided I didn't like the way I looked so I changed if that's okay with you".
"Yeah I guess it is".
And with that he left without a word.
"Woah what was that, is he alright" said Ned.
"I don't know".
What had happened to Peter. It's as if he's mind has had a total rearrangement.
"Hey Gwen you might want to look at this".
I turned to see what Ned was talking about. On his phone there was an article about Spiderman dressed in all black that assaulted robbers.
"I don't think this that venom guy Pete talks about, I think its him".
It's true the figure was not bulky enough to be Venom, it was just like Peter but black and white instead of blue and red. I need to talk to Peter. In first period leaned over to whisper in Peter's ear
"Psst Peter what happened to you".
"I don't know what you are talking about Gwen".
"Why are you acting different"
"I just want to change myself, if I'm going to be a crime fighting superhero then I need to not act like a geeky kid".
"Peter to be a superhero you don't have to change who you are, wait this doesn't have anything to do about what I said".
"No why would be about that you already established that".
"Hey who is ever talking please be quiet".
"Sorry teach we'll keep it down".
Peter acted like this all day, like some kind of jerk I didn't know what was wrong with him. I began looking at more articles about the robbery this morning and people are debating if it was Peter, Eddie, or someone else. During 7th period I got a text from Tony

Gwen I need you and Peter to meet me at the "countryside mansion" immediately. I'm sending Happy to pick you up.
Alright Tony.

After school Peter and I got in the car with Happy and set out for the avengers facility. Peter never even spoke to me the whole time. He just put his earbuds in and looked out the window. This hurt me I. Guess I deserve some of it I probably could have let him down more gently. But it hurts a little more than that maybe I have developed feelings for him. Tony was waiting for us at the door.
"Hey Peter, Happy here is going to show you a new suit I had designed for you".
"Sure Mr. Stark"
Happy and Peter walked down a hall.
"Alright Gwen has Peter been acting different to you".
"Yeah, do you know why".
"I think so, there is no doubt that the Spider-man at the scene of the robbery was Peter but the question is how this happened, quickly how has Peter been acting".
"Well he has been more aggressive and careless".
"Alright I think he has been infected by a symbiote similar to how Edward Brock was infected by his symbiote".
"What how he was with me all day yesterday".
"I think it happened a time when he was most vulnerable like when he was asleep, you see I don't think it's from space like venom, I think it is artificial and I think this was done by Adrial".
"Really why would he want infect Peter with a symbiote".
"Well he is an evil guy has brought together two universe. There is only one thing that we can conclude about this. It is that Adrial wants to control the universe that he created. If had the power to pull the worlds together then I think he wants to control it. So if wants to control it then he wants no one to oppose him so he would need to eliminate all superheroes so whatever he sees in Peter he enhanced so he kill all superheroes like us".
"So we need to get this symbiote out of Peter".
"Yes but I will need time to figure out how so I need you to keep him under control"
"Got it".
Peter and Happy came back.
"So was that what was so important".
"It was actually was".
After that we left. Happy dropped me off first. The front door was which was weird because it usually wasn't and wouldn't you know I forgot my key. I fiddled around for the spare when my dad opened the door.
"Where have you been".
"Come in sit".
I sat down the couch and my dad stood there with his arms crossed.
"So Gwen I heard that stopped by Peter Parker's house this morning".
"How did you..."
" I go to the gym with his Uncle Ben Parker he told me you stopped by, my gosh Gwen when were you gonna tell me that you had a boyfriend".

I don't dad me and Peter are just friends".
"Then why are you going over to his to walk him to school".
"I was just making sure he was awake so he wouldn't miss school".
"Alright but if you ever do get a boyfriend please tell me about him you don't have to sneak around".
"Okay dad".
"That goes for any secret you might have".
"Hey dad I do have a secret but promise me on your life you won't tell anybody".
"Okay I promise what you didn't kill some did you".
So I told him I was Spiderwoman.

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