Chapter 20

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I woke up this morning to say good bye to Peter because today was the day that he was going to Florida. I really wanted to spend Christmas with him but I can't break up his family. Well today I was going to spend sometime with a girl from school named Lauren. Her and I have become friends due to us liking the same things. I have hung out with her when ever Ned and Peter are busy.
"Hey Lauren"
"Oh hey Gwen, so I heard you and Peter
Are an item now".
"Yeah it just sucks that Peter had to leave for Christmas but that's the brakes".
Me an Lauren where had been hanging out at the local mall to kill the day.
"Well I will see you later Gwen but... hey do you know that guy over there because he is burning a hole in you".
I turned around to see Harry Osborn. This only means something bad because this Harry was from Pete's world and in his world Harry went crazy. I hadn't realized Lauren had left. Harry walked closer to me.
"What are you doing here Harry".
"Well Gwen I'm here because I know you're smart".
"You don't know me, you're from Peter's world and I trust me I don't want to talk to you".
"Gwen Adrial is giving you a choice like he did with Pete but Pete refused".
"What to kill people no thanks"
"No he wants one of you to be under his control, you see you and Peter were chosen by him because when he was young he adored spiders and spider totems. You and Pete are two of his favorite totem holders. Spider Totem holders are very powerful and he can only have one of you on his side and he tried with Pete but it didn't work. Join him Gwen and he give you what you like me he gave me my father's business ".
"Wait there are more spidermen and women in different worlds".
I need to find out more about this and this can give me more info on this situation.
"Okay Harry I'll humor you".
"Alright now I will need to teach you how he operates".
For the next few days I hung around Harry to learn all I could about Adrial. Weirdly he hung out with Ned to. When ever we would all hang out I would invite Lauren. I could tell Ned had a thing for Lauren and she had a thing for him. One night at Ned's place we were hanging out and Harry leaned in and tried to kiss me which I quickly countered with a swift kick to the shines.
"Ouch what was that for".
"I have a boyfriend thank you and just because we are friends now doesn't mean I like you like that". An awkward silence fell over us. Lauren left early that night, she had family business to attend to.
"Hey guys I am going to use the restroom" said Ned.
The while time Pete was gone we texted back and forth.
"So you really like that nerdy Peter".
What are you doing Gwen.
Just hang out at Ned's place with him and Lauren.
Sounds fun wish I was there.
I slammed my hand down on the kitchen counter
"Harry you are very close to fist in the face, I love Peter you two may have differences but that doesn't make me love him less. If you want me to continue helping Adrial then lay off".
" Jeez calm down".
There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get Gwen said Harry".
Harry opened the door to be met by Peter.
"What the heck are you doing here Harry" Peter said in a stern voice as he prepared to punch him. I jumped and said
"Peter wait let me explain".
I took Peter by the hand and walked him into the hall.
"Gwen why is he here you didn't tell me that on the phone".
"Look he knows alot about Adrial so I am pretending to go along with him and I need you to as well"
"Okay but he wanted to kill me because he thought I killed his father".
"I told him if he came in between me and you we would have a problem".
"Fine but Mr Stark nee...".
"Tony doesn't need to know anything".
"Pete you don't have to be his lap dog your an adult now and fully capable of doing things with out him holding your hand".
"Yeah I guess he does try to treat me like a child but I don't know Gwen".
"It will okay".
We stood there for a few seconds until I broke the silence
"But anyway what are you doing here".
"Well May told me I could head back early to spend sometime with you, they really like you Gwen".
We embraced in a hug.
"Alright just be cool around him okay".
"Okay if helps with finding Adrial".

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