Chapter 10

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( Your pov )

Jack pulled me outside the bodega, he took me to the side of the bodega so no one would see or hear us.

"How come you've never told me you have a boyfriend", Jack said as he looked at me with anger.

"I-I was going to tell you..", I was cut off.

"When?! And (Y/n), it's only been four or five days sense you moved, and what do I hear? You've got a boyfriend!!", he began to yell.

"Why are you yelling at me?! You should be happy for me not angry!!", I said as I got mad.

"Happy?! Happy for what?! Did you look at him?! He's not perfect for you, you two are so different!", he said.

"I don't care about what do you think of him, I love him, and I see that he's perfect for me", I said as I crossed my arms.

"You're really out of your mind! Give me something good about him", he said.

"Well, he's nice, kind, and caring, you don't know him as I do-", I was cut off.

"I don't see how nice and kind like you're saying, he's rude, bad, and also ugly", Jack said as he crossed his arms.

"Don't you dare say that about him, you're just saying that because you're jealous" I said.

"Look, you know I care about you, right? You mean a lot to me, I just don't trust him, and I'm still shocked that you didn't tell me anything about him".

"I know and I appreciate that, just give him a chance, you have to know him before you judge him". I said as he looked down at the ground.

Before Jack could say anything the alarm went on.

"What's happening?", Jack asked.

"It's boxman, he probably sent evil robots to attack the plaza", I said.

The sky turned purple, a box fell, the robots came out of it, Tko, Ko, Rad and Eind came out of the bodega and began to fight the robots.

"Stay here, I'm going to help them", Jack said as he run to help the other.

I was going to help, but some weird blue lights suddenly appeared, I looked at them, I then looked around to make sure that nobody is watching me, then I went to follow them.


( No one's pov )

The blue lights were leading to the forest,
the closer (Y/n) get to them they disappear and new ones appears.

She was following them, and she didn't feel that there was some one fallowing her.

The blue lights lead her to a beautiful and quite place, there was a small lake and flowers everywhere, and there was cute animals like rabbits, birds and butterflies.

As (Y/n) was looking at the place around her, a blue portal opened, and a small fairy came out of it and she was holding a stick.


( Your pov )

The fairy was too small, she was like hand-sized, she had long blue hair and pink eyes, her wings were transparent, she was wearing a beautiful white dress, she was smiling at me and she seemed to be friendly.

"Hello princess (Y/n), I'm Febe, you're new assistant", she said with a sweet voice.

"Hello Febe, nice to meet you", I said as I smiled back.

"Here you go, this is your wand", she said as she gave me a stick.

"Um..that's not a wand, it's just a stick?", I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"No, it is a wand, take it", she said, I took it and suddenly the stick started to shake in my hand and a light came out.

I closed my eyes for a moment, but when I opened it I saw that the stick turned in to a pink wand.

[Imagine this is how the wand look like, it's don't have to be pink]

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[Imagine this is how the wand look like, it's don't have to be pink].

"Wow..this is so cool!!", I said with excitement.

"Yeah..I know, now..shall we go", she said as she points to the portal.

"Go?! there?! No no no, I'm not going there!!", I said with a bit widened eyes.

"Why not?! Don't you want to see the kingdom?", she asked.

"You didn't say anything about going there, and I'm not going, how can I even go there when the reflection of me said you can't get in or out with out a portal, and that is something I don't know how to do", I said with serious face.

"Um..I thought that you trust me..", she said with sad face.

"Trust you? I barely even know you!", I said.

"Then why did you followed the blue lights?", she asked.

"I followed them because I want to know more about my mother, know what..just take your wand, cause I'm not going there". I said as I gave her the wand.

She was silent for a moment, "alright.., you don't have to go, keep the wand it's belongs to you now, I'll send a message to them to let them know that you're not coming", she said as she closed the portal.

"I-", I was cut off by hearing an explosion, "they're probably done with fighting, I have to go now, nice to meet you, bye", I said as I turned to make my way back to the plaza.

"Wait", she called.

"What now?", I said with annoyed as I turned around.

"I'm going with you", she said.

"What? Why should I let you come with me?", I asked.

"I'm your fairy assistant, remember? I belong to you now", she said.

I looked at her and thought about it for a moment, "mm..alright fine, hide in my backpack and try l to not make any sound", I said as I opened my backpack and let her in, and I hide the wand with her.


~ Few minutes later ~

I went back to the plaza, they were cleaning the mess that was caused by the robots, I walked to them making sure I look normal.

Jack run to me and hugged me tight, "I was worried about you, I thought something had happened to you", he said.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself ya know", I said as I giggled a bit, then I pulled off the hug, "now go get me some ice cream"

He laughed a little and said, "fine, but only this time you cheater", and we started walking to the bodega.

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