Chapter 17

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( Tko's pov )

The monster kidnapped (Y/n), and jumped thru the window, and fly away with her.

I looked at Jack and yelled, "SHE'S RUNNING AWAY, LET'S GO".

We went to the front door, and we flew behind her, she was too fast.

"(Y/N)!!, USE YOUR PAWERS!!", I yelled

"She can't!!, She's too scared!!", Jack said, he was flying next to me as the same speed.

"She's getting away!!, We're too slow!!", I said.

she was flying forward, then she turned to the left, I notched that she was going to the plaza, she's probably going to the first place she met (Y/n).

"I have an idea, you keep following them, I'll come back" I said.

"Wait!!, were are you going?", Jack asked

"You'll see", I said as I turned away

I took a shortcut, and went to the forest to the first place they met, All what I can do is hoping my thoughts were right.

As I went there, I saw a blue portal, so my thoughts were right, She's coming here, and she's trying to take (Y/n) away.

( You're pov )

We're now too close to the plaza,"What's happening, Why she's taking me?, Where is she taking me?, I'm so scared, why is this happening?", I thought.

"Don't worry Princess, I'm not going to hurt you", she said, and her voice still scary.

"W-Where are you taking me?", I asked, and I'm still scared.

"I'm taking you back to your real home", she said, as she landed on the ground, we're in the plaza, and she started running thru the forest.

"(Y/n)!!", I heard Jack screaming, but I couldn't see him.

I wanted to answer, but I can't, she was running between the trees and the branches, her speed started to slow down, she's too big to fly there.

As we went there, she suddenly stopped, I looked at the place and started to realize that's the first place we've met, there was a blue portal, she was going there.

I yelled in a fear, "P-Put me down, I don't want to go there", and I began to scream.

As she began to come closer to the portal, Tko jumped and punched her in her face with his purple fist surprising her.

She fell to the ground as I fell with her, I stand up trying to escape, but she grabbed me from my foot as I fell again, and she pulled me.

Tko started throwing fire fists on her, but it didn't work, she run to him and slapped him making him hit the tree.

"TKO!!", I yelled, "Stop hurting him you monster!!", I said as I began to cry.

Then Jack showed up, and he jumped on her back, and her back stat to freez, she started yelling, and her yell make me shake in fear.

She grabbed him and threw him away, her breath began to rise in anger, Tko stand up again and started throwing fire fists on her again and jumped to her, I caught him from his neck.

"I'm going to kill you" she said in scary voice.

She began to strain her hand around his neck, Tko began to breathe hard, as he put his hands on her trying to get free.

My eyes widened, I couldn't just watch him dies, the hearts on my cheeks began to glow white as my eyes, I felt the energy in my body, the monster looked at me in shocked, I looked at her in her eyes, I raised my hand as it began to glow with electric and I threw it in her face.

She flew away and fell to the ground, Tko fell and began to take a deep breath, I started to flew in the air and electricity hovers around me.

"That's impossible, you don't have any powers", she said with widened eyes.

She stand up and and give me a scary smile as she started to come closer, I raised my hand again ready to hit her again.

Suddenly a big stake came out of her chest, the portal closed and disappeared, she looked at the stake with widened eyes as she started bleeding, I  landed on the ground in shocked, Tko and Jack came beside me and they were shocked as well, she fall down, and behind her was my Dad, then her body began to fade.

I looked at my Dad, "Y-You..killed..her", I said in low voice and fall on my knees.

"(Y/n), I know what you're thinking bu...", my dad was talking, but I couldn't hear anything, I fell to the ground, passed out.

( Tko's pov )

(Y-Y/n)!!, I run to her and grabbed her to my lap "(Y/N), wake up", I said while I was shaking her, I looked up at her dad who was coming closer, "Is she going to be okay?!".

He carried her and said, "she's going to be fine, she's just tired, now come on you two, let's go home, you need to rest".

I looked at Jack as he looked at me, then we started walking making our way back home.

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