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Exiting the bathroom dressed in a pair of sweats and a loose fitting shirt. You dry your wet hair with a towel and walk into the kitchen to see your mom placing plates on the table.

You go behind her and hug her, making her a bit startled.

"Good Lord child, I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that!" She playfully hits your hand and you laugh before turning to the table.

"Mm, smells good." You take a piece of bacon from the plate and eat it, earning a smack on your hand.

"Ouch!" You hold your arm and glare at her. "What was that for?"

"Bad manners! Seriously, be a lady!" She reprimands.

"Mom," you start, giving her a 'are you serious' look. "You know that I am far from a lady." She sighs and face palms.

"Yes, I know. Now sit and eat up before it gets cold." She refers to the food on the table. You happily sit down and start eating. Your mom sits opposite you, she seems a bit out of it.

"Sweety," she calls. You hum in response as you sip on a tall glass of orange juice.

"There's something I need to tell you, and I need your full attention on this. Please." This makes you stop, you place your glass of half finished juice on the table while looking at her.

"Okay?" You ask.

She sighs and sets down her fork and looks at you. You can see that she's very serious, and she's rarely like this. This makes you confused yet concerned at the same time.

"Y/n, its been 7 years since your father passed away and nothing will change the fact that he was my first love, and you will always be my daughter no matter what. But," she pauses again. You grow really curious, but part of you already thinks you know what she's trying to say.

"Y/n, I've been seeing someone for the pass 4 years." She let's it out. You're shocked, the news hit you like lightning. You have no objection to her being in a relationship. But 4 years? And she hasn't told you a thing. You look at her in disbelief.

"What the hell mom!?" You stand up abruptly and slam your hands on the table, your mom flinches at the sound it made when your hands came in contact with the table.

"Y/n, calm down." She says calmly. You scoff.

"Calm down?" You mock. "You've been lying to me for 4 damn years!" Your tones louder than before making her send a glare in your direction.

"Don't raise your voice at me." She says sternly and stands up.

"I'm not a little kid anymore mom, you could've at least told me!" You argue and she sighs.

"I just didn't know what you'd say at the time." She explains and you shake your head in disbelief.

"I would've understood," your voice is soft and your mothers eyes show so much emotions.

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