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I'm back after...wait, how long?



You wake up in an unfamiliar room, panic almost sets in you and you try getting up but you slightly wince when a pain in your lower body strikes through you.

You look next to you to see him, what was his name again? Oh right! Taehyung.

Sleeping like a small cute baby, its a miracle to see him sleeping all cutesy when last night he was hotter than hell.

Your eyes widen, you had sex with a stranger. But do you regret it? Not at all.

Slowly getting out of bed, you limp your way out of the room and quickly run to your room, ignoring the pain in your lower abdomen. You shut the door to your room and quickly run and jump onto your bed, screaming into the huge, soft pillows.

Who the hell was he? He was dressed in business attire, was he Minho's secretary? No no, you clearly remember him saying that this was his home.

You gasp and sit up quickly, cursing under your breath as you had forgotten about the pain in your lower abdomen.

Wait, was he Minho's son? You gulp, you probably just had sex with your step brother.

"Please don't be his son, please don't be his son, please don't be his son, please don't be his son, please don't be his son." You keep chanting over and over again.

You glance at the clock on the wall.

7:57 am

Well, there's no use going back to bed. You get up from your bed, this time slowly, and walk to the bathroom that's connected to your room.

After stripping, you look into the mirror and gasp when you see hickeys all over your neck, traveling down to your stomach and down to your legs and inner thighs.

"What the hell." You trace the marks over your neck with your finger tips. Well, turtle necks for the next 2 weeks.

Stepping into the shower, you sigh in relief when the hot water hits your body. Taking a caramel and vanilla scented body wash and shampoo, you begin washing yourself.

After showering and changing into a pair of sweats and a black turtle neck. You sit on your bed with your legs criss crossed and chew on your fingernails.

What if you did have sex with your step brother? You're supposed to be regretting it, he is your step brother, but then again, step. You aren't related to him by blood, but you definitely don't want your mother to know about this.

She'd probably behead you.

You gulp when a image of your mother comes into your head, her hair floating as her eyes vanish when her hair covers them as she gives off a demon kinda vibe, holding an axe over your head as she prepares to behead you.

You shiver and quickly shake away the thought. She's your mom, she wont do that.


You almost jump out of your skin when you hear a knock on your door, your mothers voice following.

"Y/n? Its time to wake up." She calls and you reluctantly get up from your spot and walk to the door to open it.

"Morning." You greet her with a nervous smile.

"Morning dear, come on, breakfasts ready." She tells you and you nod. Quickly slipping on a pair of bunny slippers and following her down to the dining room.

Minho was there, talking to a guy but you could only see his back since he was facing Minho.

"Ah, Y/n! I'd like to introduce to someone." He smiled and your heart stopped for a moment when the guy turned around, instead of looking shocked, the son of a gun had a smirk on his lips.

"Meet my son, Kim Taehyung."


We all saw that coming.

I mean, its in the fricking title😂

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