Chapter 1

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I was standing outside of Adora's room waiting for her to be ready. Perfuma was throwing a party in celebration of the big win at the Battle of Brigtmoon. Adora was planning on going as She-ra, but I convinced her not to. We would have more fun without people handing her wind chimes and calling her "The She-ra". I was really looking forward to showing Adora what a real party was like, given the last two attempts kinda ended in disaster. A hand on my solder startled me and brought me back.

"Oh my God, Bow! You can't just sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry. You can go in you know. Adora won't mind."

"She's getting changed. I don't want to bother her."

"We have to bother her or we are going to be late."

Bow knocked on the door and Adora opened it. She wasn't dressed yet. Adora was just standing in the doorway in nothing but her bra and underwear.

"Adora, put a shirt on. And close the door! Someone is going to see you." I lectured her.

"I'm almost ready." She said oblivious to the hot blush that rose to my cheeks.

"We don't have time for almost." Bow said letting himself in.

"I swear to God, you guys have no sense of boundaries."

"Adora, what are you going to wear?" Bow said brushing of my objection.

"Same dress I wore to Princess prom. Why?"

"I'm sorry," I chuckled, "but you can't wear that again."

"Why not? I've wore the same outfit everyday for most of my life."

"That's different. You had a uniform. And besides, I think you ruined that dress by fighting the Horde. Bow, help me find something for Adora to wear."

Adora's closet was full of clothes. Most of which are from other guests that have stayed in this room before Adora. I could never picture her in most of the garments. Not that she wouldn't look good. Adora could pull almost anything off, but they just didn't look like her. Bow pulled out a burgundy jumper with long loose pant legs and spaghetti straps.

"I love it!" I said taking it from Bow. "Adora, put this on."

"Okay." She replied stepping into the jumper.

Adora looks good in red. Like really good, but i felt like it needed something else.

"Now all you need are shoes, hair, and makeup." Bow said echoing my thoughts exactly.

"Yes, makeup." She said pretending to understand.

"They don't have makeup in the Horde do they?" Bow asked.


"I'll do your makeup and hair while Bow finds you some shoes. And Bow, flats?"

"Flats." He echos back at me.

I applied foundation to her face with a makeup sponge and filled in her eyebrows. It was hard to stay focused when i could feel her breath on my face. I put lip gloss on her lips. Adora should really wear lip gloss more often. It makes her lips look even more full than usual. Not that I spend a lot of time staring at her lips. I told Adora to blink and coated her lashes in mascara.

I sat on the edge of Adora's cot and she nested herself in between my legs. After brushing out her hair I separated it into sections and began to weave them into a loose blonde braid down the center of her head. She slipped on pair of black flats Bow found and stood up. Was it bad that I wished she hadn't? I couldn't keep myself from smiling. Adora looked great, and we might actually make it to Perfuma's party on time.


I know this was kinda short.

I've never posted fanfiction to the internet before, so I'm sorry if it's not any good. On the off chance that it is, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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