Chapter 1

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Rome, Italy - July 25 1492

The girl put her little hands on her mouth, trying not to make a sound as she approached her face to the door. She could hear her father’s voice clearly, even though he was trying to talk in private with Cesare and Giovanni. He always wanted to speak alone with his older sons; but it didn’t mean he loved her any less.

“And so it must be done,” she heard her father’s voice saying conclusively. “You both shall be outside, and I count on you two to protect our interests.”

“We won’t disappoint you, father.” Giovanni’s voice sounded excited. “We will see you when you walk out that balcony, victorious.”

“May God’s will be done,” the father replied piously. “It will be done. And you two will help the will of God.”

“We will,” Cesare promised. “Rest assured we will play our parts well in the will of God.”

There was a pause, in which the girl assumed the father was giving his blessing to her brothers. It was her chance. She walked away from the door, knowing they would soon come out, and she could not be caught there, peeking like a kitchen maid on the business of men. On the tip of her toes, she quickly walked to the other side of the corridor and started to slowly walk towards the room, so as they came out of the conference room, it would appear she had just arrived.

It worked, as she knew it would; she was not yet halfway through the corridor when the door opened and the familiar loving face of her father smiled upon seeing his beloved girl.

“Lucrezia!” he screamed in delight, opening his arms and allowing the little girl to run towards and give him a hug.

“Papa!” Lucrezia said, equally happy. Her father lift her from the ground, embracing her tenderly and placing a kiss on her golden hair. “I have so missed you!”

“And I have missed you, mia principessa,” he replied, putting her back on the ground and examining her. “You have grown so much since last time I saw you.”

“Papa! That was two weeks ago!” she protested. “No one can grow so fast in so little time!”

He laughed. “You are right, my little scholar, as ever. But you do look more beautiful than I remember.”

“Mama bought me this new dress.” Lucrezia grinned, showing off the brand new yellow dress draped with white lace and with dark green silk on her sleeves.

“It suits you beautifully,” her father said, his big hand on her head. “Papa must leave, figlia mia. There are business to be done.”

The smile vanished Lucrezia’s face.

“You will not stay for dinner?” she asked, miserably.

“Not today, but I promise you soon we will have many dinners together.”

“How soon?”

“Soon enough, Lucrezia. Be a good girl and obey your mother. I promise you soon you will be high regarded and we can have as many dinners as you wish together.”

That seemed to comfort the girl a bit. She smiled again, resigned.

“Be a good girl,” he repeated, kissing her forehead. With a last glance at Giovanni and Cesare, he walked away, his red Cardinal skirt barely touching the stony ground.

“I must go as well,” Giovanni said. “I will see you after dinner, Cesare?”

“I will be waiting.”

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