Chapter 11

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Rome, Italy – July of 1494


The next day, Cesare took Lucrezia to visit their mother in their old house. Since February, he committed himself to pay her a visit with his younger siblings every two weeks, and it was always a merry occasion for the Borgia children. Vannozza welcomed them warmly, complimenting Cesare on his new Cardinal position and saying red suited him perfectly. She smiled openly as she saw her only daughter, always with a new gown, growing more and more into beauty as the days passed. Young Geoffrei was a boy of twelve, and his engagement to Sancha of Aragón, the sixteen-year-old illegitimate daughter to the Spanish King, was a reason of pride for her. The family gathered in the dining room to talk, and the room was filled with laughter all afternoon.

“Lucrezia, you look so different!” Vannozza noticed. “Two weeks ago, you were a gloomy, depressed girl, now look at you!”

“Bitterness only makes your heart rotten, Mama.” Lucrezia smiled.

“Indeed,” she replied with a suspicious tone. “And how is the Holy Father?”

“He is well and in good health.” It was Cesare who replied, always giving a diplomatic answer to her question regarding her former lover.

“Praise God,” the woman replied piously. “Is he still in connections with Giulia Farnese?”

Lucrezia looked down.

“I am afraid so, mother,” Cesare said.

Vannozza nodded, smiling bitterly. Lucrezia noticed her eyes were filled with tears.


“Oh, no, I am being silly,” her mother replied waving her hand. “After all, I always knew this day would come. Your father was born to be Pope. I am only happy we have four amazing children and that he still holds us all in his higher favour – si, myself included. He has sent me gifts to remind me of his gratitude and affection. I am glad we are in good terms.”

Rapidly drying her tears, she looked around. “And Giovanni? Where is your brother?”

“In Spain,” Cesare said. “The Duke is in Spain. He will return next week.”

“Spain? Why so?”

“I believe he wants to spy on the situation in Naples.” Cesare shrugged. “But I can’t be sure. Father gave him a direct order which I ignore and quite frankly, I do not care about. As long as he is away, I am content.”

“Cesare! This is not how you speak of your brother!”

“Sorry, Lady mother, but Giovanni is impossible!” he exploded. “He became a complete idiot after father gave him a bloody dukedom. Flamboyant little fool... His stubbornness and sense of grandness are maddening me, mother, truly. I am not the only one who thinks so, either.”

“Cesare is right, Mama,” Lucrezia said. “Giovanni is nothing but rude to everyone, and he believes only because he is the eldest son of the Pope, he can get anything he wants, at any time. He is behaving like a spoiled Prince.”

Vannozza sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

“When he returns to Rome, ask him to come see me,” she asked. “It has been some time I do not see my oldest boy. Tell him to come pay me a visit.”

Cesare and Lucrezia exchanged looks; they both knew Giovanni would not go see their mother.

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