Chapter 13

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Rome, Italy – September of 1494

Even the cold breeze of Autumn could not swift away the flaming joy in Lucrezia Borgia. It was not uncommon to see the daughter of Pope Alexander VI merrily dancing, laughing and being the life of the parties. The fourteen year old girl had always been a beauty; however, for the past couple of months, she had become more than that. Before, her pretty face could turn many heads, but now her good spirits could warm a heart. The joyful girl seemed not to have a single problem in her head, not a single worry.

Her secret, well kept between the walls of the Borgia Apartments, would come every night to rejoice her. Her secret, who would hold her tightly, making her feel safe and loved; her secret, who showed her all the pleasures the human body could possibly experience. Her secret, whose name was Pedro Calderón.

She could not keep her secret from some for too long though; Giulia Farnese, an expert, almost immediately recognised the signs of a woman when she is being loved.

“You look very jolly, Lucrezia,” she said one day, as they were both walking together in the gardens.

“Is there a reason not to be?” The girl smiled. “Everything is so very beautiful.”

“I suppose,” Giulia replied, taking Lucrezia’s arm and pulling her closer to her so the maids-in-waiting would not hear them. “I know you are hiding something, Lucrezia. You can trust me.”

Lucrezia looked around, alarmed.

“Leave us,” she told the ladies. “Why do you say so, Giulia?”

“Your face is brighter and your skin is smoother and cleaner than ever. You have a light colour on your cheeks, and your eyes that usually changed colours are apparently stuck in an eternal merry blue. You are a woman in love, Lucrezia.”

Her smile betrayed her. “I am,” Lucrezia confessed. “But please, Giulia, do not tell anyone.”

“Why would I tell anyone?” Her friend winked. “I would never be the one to take this shine from your eyes, my love. Now tell me, who is he? Do I know him?”

“He is a sweet young man whose innocence is not from this world.”

“He is a nobody, is he not?”

“He may be a nobody to the world, but to me he is the world.”

“A groom? A chamberlain?”

“Perotto,” she said, and her eyes sparkled as she was pronouncing a saint’s name. “Sweet Perotto.”

“Ah, Perotto...” Giulia nodded. “I should have known. He was promoted to the Borgia Apartments after you interceded for him.”

“I did so because I saw his pureness. Not for anything else,” Lucrezia said defensively. “But as I got to know him better, I saw more of him than that.”

“He is an uncommonly innocent man,” she agreed. “And I am glad to know he makes you this happy, mia cara. But as your friend I should warn you to be careful. You are still Lady Lucrezia Sforza, do remember that, even if your husband is away from you. And even after this situation is settled, you know your father would never allow you to marry Perotto.”

“I know.” She sighed. “I know that, Giulia. But for the first time in my life, I am truly happy. I have learnt that if I leave my happiness in the hands of my father or my brothers, I will forever wait for it. When I take it with my own hands, I am its master. I am happy, and I will not allow anyone to take it from me. I shall fight for it.”

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