| Finale. |

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"A wife is meant to be cherished and to be treated with a gentle hand, while a mistress is a convenient cunt to rut in." -Sylvia Day.  | Jamie deserved better.

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"Hello, Karen caring for you right here at San Diego Middle School. How can I help you today?" The peppy voice of the secretary spoke, answering the phone.

"Uh, hi Karen. It's me, Miss Santana." Rikki replied, clutching the phone to her ear.

"Rikki! What's up, honey bun?" Karen asked, the sound of her nails clicking against the computer keyboard going steadily.

"Nothing. Is uh... Is Stephen there?" Rikki retorted with a question of her own, her voice shaking.

"Stephen? Do you mean Principal Grant?" Karen furrowed her eyebrows, although, Rikki couldn't see her.

She sighed. "Yes. Principal Grant. Is he there?"

"He called out sick this week. I can leave a message if it's really important, though?" Karen inquired.

Rikki shook her head, taking a deep breath. "No. Just tell him that I resign."

"Resign?" Her voice sounded shocked.

"Yes, Karen. As in, I won't be working there anymore."

"Oo-kay. And what do I tell Principal Grant about your leave when he returns?"

"Tell him that I had to leave due to personal problems. He'll understand." Rikki bit her lip, a moment of silence passing through the women.

"Alright, I'll pass the message." Karen finally answered, allowing Rikki to exhale deeply for the third time.

"Thanks, Karen."

"See you around, Rikki. Bye."

She hung up the phone, her hands coming up to her rearview mirror and checking her nose out. It had gotten worse than when Jamie had first hit her, 12 hours prior. Now it was badly bruised & swelling and even certain expressions made it sting.

She put the mirror back up, turning off her car as she made her way inside the urgent care to check out if it had been broken. Good thing it was 24 hours.

She walked straight up to the counter. "Hello."

"May I help you?"

"Yes. I think my nose is broken." Rikki slowly spoke, pointing at her swollen nose.

The lady popped her gum. "What happened to you?"

"I don't think that concern you. Can I see the doctor or what?"

"Take a seat." The woman answered, passing over a clipboard and a sheet that Rikki had to fill out some information on.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long as 5 minutes later, they were calling her name. Good thing she came in at this time. "Santana?"

"That's me." Rikki hopped up, grabbing her purse.

"Come on, let's go in the back here." The female doctor smiled, opening the door and walking into the first room on the left.

"Okay." Rikki muttered, climbing on the examination table.

"So... Rikki, is it?" The doctor asked, putting on a pair of fresh gloves.

She nodded her head. "Yes."

"Alright. And why did you come in today?"

"I think I broke my nose."

"Well, what happened?" She turned to Rikki then, a large gasp escaping. "You are just gorgeous! Look at you! A Glowing sunshine!"

Rikki tooted her nose up, ingnorint the extra commentary. "Uh, thank you," She thought of saying how her best friend punched her in the nose, but quickly pushed it away.

"I fell into a doorknob?"

The woman looked at her, skeptically. "Alright, Miss Santana. Excuse me for a minute while I look up your files, then we'll take a look at that nose of yours."

Rikki nodded, staring at the blue ceiling as she awaited for the doctor to return. She came back after a while, inspected her nose and then x-rayed. Afterwards, she was taking off the gloves.

"Alright now, Miss Santana. Your nose isn't broken. You got some swelling and soreness, but no it's not broken," The woman smiled, watching as Rikki relaxed a bit. She went to grab her bag, her eyes widening as she looked up to find the doctor handing her a business card.

"What's this?"

"I do a bit of photography as a pastime. I would love to photograph your maternity photos. You're just beyond beautiful." She smiled warmly, no harm behind the words.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I'm not pregnant."

"You're not?" She picked up Rikki's clipboard, glancing down at the information Rikki had filled out. "Experiencing nausea, tenderness and your last period was eight weeks ago, huh?"

"Yes, but I'm on the pill. On my 8th week of that too. I started it literally right after."

The doctor shook her head. "Doesn't matter if you were already pregnant. Takes one time. And one second only."



Sequel posted: Between Us. Photos of the main characters & book trailer in multimedia.

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